When were you diagnosed with depression - Above & Beyond

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When were you diagnosed with depression

Natsteveo profile imageNatsteveo23 Voters

Please select all that apply:

15 Replies
mysmugcat profile image

It was at approximately at age 15 I should have ticked longer, I ticked 3 years +.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to mysmugcat

It don't matter my friend hope tour doing ok.

Nat x x

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to Natsteveo

Thanks so much Hun just nervous for may 3rd partner died, 1st anniversary, if u remember please send text. I know you can suffer too and I think of you.

dillydally1 profile image

i have had depression for 40 years, more bad times than good. x

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to dillydally1

dillydally1 I know that feeling..almost 20 years for me


Hermes123 profile image


Hi Natzstevo, As another questionnaire fails to address the overall situation in its poll? I am certain many have experience serious depression but never seek help, not wishing others to know how low there are? Pain off the scale is a big driver to these situation, G.P.s fail to pick up the signs, its either give one more pain killers, depression is in those two words that come into effect at certain stages, the other is the G. P. says sorry there is nothing more I can do for you, another driver towards depression. Todays patients see G.P.s roll's in reverse, as if to say you have a computer, so Google up what's wrong with you and treat your self, stop wasting my time, slight exaggeration but the type of impression a patient is often left with, as if there are no other avenues t go too. I don't think this is just good enough, we did not spend seven year too get a degree to treat our selves. So Natzstevo, what I am saying to you when rolling out a poll? look at the bigger picture to get a more balance poll. Thank you. Hermes

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Hermes123

I'm sorry if I offended you with the poll that wasn't my intention


Hermes123 profile image


Natzstevo, No you did not offend me! Polls in general i find are not always inclusive of the facts ?

One of the things I hate, is going to a hospital to be asked 1out 10. what is your pain threshold, stupid or what? everybody has a different pain threshold, mine is very high so when I say 10. does not come close, its off the scale I mean just that. I hope i have made my point about polls in general. Hermes.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to Hermes123

Yes your right there.. it is annoying sometimes but being a admin on here I have to do the odd poll just to help people open up if they want too...it also gives us some chance to get to know you as members


Hi Nat, I was diagnosed with bipolar depression two months ago. I have been dealing with depression for about 40 years.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to

Hi Hidden

I was diagnosed with ptsd june 2017 after suffering badly for 20 years its took all those year's for them to put a name to it

How are you dealing with it?


in reply to Natsteveo

Hello Nat,

I am doing much better now that I am on medication. I am making an effort to be more self-aware by practicing mindfulness and by using a mood app.

I always knew that I was different from the rest of my family. Nobody understood what I was going through or maybe they didn't really care. I thing family members were struggling too. It is good to know that I am not alone. It is great to know that treatment is available.

The most difficult thing for me is my daughter's bipolar I diagnosis. Her life has changed so much since her episode and my heart goes out to her. I passed this illness on to her genetically. It's a tough pill to swallow but it is what it is.

huskyowner234 profile image

Had depression from the age of 9years old to 22 years old. 13 years of battling "it"

( depression). currently 23 and I proud to say I am a survivor of my serve LONG depression decade of my life.

Natsteveo profile image
Natsteveo in reply to huskyowner234

We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for thanks for sharing and I'm so glad we have inspiring people like yourself that makes us feel we are not alone


I wasn't diagnosed with depression. But I was suffering from depression from a really young age. I realized it when I was 13