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Which alternative to medication, worked for you?
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When I say exercise, I mean walking with my dog, not jumping about and sweating. In fact, nothing has been a real success---not even medication. I still cry nearly every day. The counseling I've had was useless, unreliable and an insult to my intelligence.
Really so sorry to read this darkshadow but I am glad you are able to get out walking the dog. Distraction is the best thing to alleviate anxiety and depression and if you can write, try keeping a journal, it really does help. I'd love to know how you get on.
I have kept a journal for about 2 years now. The dog walking has been impossible lately because of the weather--either snow or wind and rain. I hope it gets better soon. I'm one of those people who never get over the passing of loved ones. That--coupled with the fact that I am 78 years old--makes me acknowledge that all the happy times are over and there is nothing to look forward to. My life has closed down on me and I have inherited a pessimistic outlook from my mother. I have always needed someone to be the strong one, someone to lean on. I don't have that any more so I've sort of gone to pieces. Coupled with that, I realise that very few understand my condition so I've virtually stopped communicating my feelings to anyone. It's a monotonous and lonely existence from day to day.
Mind over mater, Its hard I must agree but it is the only thing that one is fully in control off, every thing else lay's in the hands of others, not easy by no means one has to work at it hard over a period of time, yes there are times when one feels one is no longer in control during those very painful periods, that is when one has fight to calm down and take stock. This has help many more times than not, its the best medicine dose it make the pain go way, if we are truthful nothing does what ever medicines, exercise physiotherapy and so on are a short interruption, in all my long years I have never heard one serious pain sufferer say! I did so and so and in the end it's cleared up my pain forever. By using ones mind one can reduce ones stress levels? No I never said it was easy but it's got me through some pretty tough times over the years and all one needs is to become strong willed even if you are not? you can be by working at it gradually. Hermes.
This is very interesting Hermes123 a skill I would like myself but there are so many distractions that one needs to be very strong indeed. Thank you, I will try to improve my concentration with this.
Chloe, When I worked s a works Forman, I had distractions from all angles the more I had the better, because it lessened the attention to the pain so one worked through it, it was when the day had finished that the other adjustments had to come into play, yes from time to time I got ratty if the overload got to much, I was lucky I thrived on pressure even now retired quiet some time, I am always looking for something different to keep my mind occupied, its a case of stimulating the endorphins in the brain. I not a very physical person these days, but had a very active past as a sportsman, so I do know the mind game of a healthy body = a healthy mind, the question is a healthy body? if it is not and in most arthritic cases it is not, as a result often more exercise = more pain I know from bitter experience over the year's if one server Arthritic joint or joints as in my case, exercise can cause even more due to the muscle movement, yes unlocking at the point of pain impact is fine, like cramp pain, a good massaged does not move elsewhere, where as muscular pain can be move a round the body once settled the pain returns to its original location. After one hell of a journey to be honest I don't think anyone really understands the pain journey, I know I have been though a hell of a lot in my life time and I still don't understand it. Hermes.
Thanks for your reply Hermes123
I can understand where you're coming from regarding work and I have also endured a lot of pain, being tested right now but I always had a problem concentrating my mind but one tip I've learned is if I wear ear plugs, yes, ear plugs I can focus much better. Trouble is, I'll end up walking about with them in 24/7.
Take care
I have chronic major debilitating depression for my entire life. The only thing that every worked for me is a combination of antidepressants mood stabilizing in addiction to good eating habits and penalty of sleep and staying away from negative people who bring me down.
Hi Jennifer13893
Sorry to read this, but pleased you seem to have found some way of coping. Totally agree with you about keeping away from negative people!