Do you share your feelings with others or k... - Above & Beyond

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Do you share your feelings with others or keep them to yourself

chloe40 profile imagechloe40Administrator15 Voters
I find it difficult to open up, it's so hard!
I can't talk about what's really worrying me
I really wish I could talk.
I share my feelings always, it helps.
4 Replies
Hermes123 profile image

I really wish I could talk to someone! That get's it, family is like talking to a brick wall, just does not register what one is going through on a daily basis, despite all the daily intake of painkillers, operation and a whole lot of attending courses physiotherapy hydrotherapy, NHS. now I have retired though many variations of travelling of travelling all over the place seeking alterative treatments whilst still working, to say I am struggling with pain today, one just receives the normal blank expression. Hermes123.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Hermes123

Really sorry to hear this Hermes123 Our families can be inconsiderate at times and we go through so much.


Hermes123 profile image
Hermes123 in reply to chloe40

Hi chloe40, I think its even being inconsiderate! I just don't think its registers with people around you all the time, I go to an older peoples club I can walk in there sometimes and some one will say having a bad day today, to look like your in a lot of pain today. Its not one is looking for sympathy, it just being recognised for having a problem when one goes Oooo, Ah as a result of pain? not just the sake of saying for the sake of it. Hermes123.

chloe40 profile image

I totally understand Hermes123
