Posts - Leukaemia CARE | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia CARE

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All posts for January 2017

AML shock.

Hi my mum has just been diagnosed with acute myloid leukemia. This has been quit...
Mumsdaughter profile image

Coping with your diagnosis of Cancer

Finding ways to cope with your diagnosis of cancer can be very difficult. One d...
LCNurse profile image

CLL Support Association patient and carer conference 10th March 2017

A conference for patients and carers living with CLL. Cambridge City Hotel 20 ...
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Every day advice for patients receiving treatment for blood cancers. What would you expect?

Leukaemia care are developing a booklet for patients who have a blood cancer and...
LCNurse profile image

What is the main piece of advice you would give someone who is newly diagnosed with leukemia ?

Please comment and share your experiences to help others facing the same challen...
LCNurse profile image

Upcoming CML Birmingham Support Group.

A new support group for CML patients has been arranged. The first meeting will b...

MDS UK Patient and Family Forum Birmingham, UK Saturday, 4th February 2017 10.00 am – 16.30 pm

This FREE event will be held at The National Motorcycle Museum Coventry Road, Ha...

National Patient and Carer Conference Birmingham Saturday 11th March 2017 The Birmingham Conference and Events Centre, Hill St Birmingham B5

Our Birmingham Conference is run in partnership with the lymphoma association an...

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