Polls - Leukaemia CARE | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia CARE

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How do you feel about shielding coming to an end?

Bacon and Maple Syrup on a pancake - yes or no?

Covid -19 vaccinations are to start for all blood cancer patients - How do you feel? - tick what applies

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Building on strengths and weaknesses of the community to help each other: What do you find of most use? Please provide us your thoughts

Palliative care isn't just for the end of life. How long (if at all) have you been receiving palliative care? Help change misconceptions

How did/does your leukaemia diagnosis affect your relationships with people you know?

'Spot Leukaemia' - Coping with Fatigue - Please tick what helps you and share your experiences

Blood cancer awareness 2. Winter coping strategies - what do we do? - Please tick answers that may apply to you.

GP blood cancer awareness 1. Diagnosis - please tick answers that may apply to you.

Which, if any of the 7 most reported symptoms from our patient survey did you experience at or before diagnosis?

Have you or family required emotional and/or psychological support since diagnosis?

What is the hardest thing to manage since your diagnosis?

Your Forum , what interests you most about this forum & what would you like to see ?

Financial support: What information would you have liked to have received upon diagnosis? Let us know your thoughts!

Have you ever been neutropenic? What other information would have been helpful to you? Please answer our poll below and add further ideas

How difficult do you find it to access travel insurance post diagnosis?

How likely were you before diagnosis to seek support from a charity?

What discussions would you like to see on this message board? Please let us know if you have an idea which isn't an option below.

Write a post or ask a question