Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

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COPD treatment posts

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Reaching out.

Hello. This may be familiar to others, I commiserate, and appreciate any tips/i...

How to clear your lungs - and save $25!

LOTS being written right now about what is being wrongly called a 'breakthrough'...

Try a new way to manage your COPD.

Hi All, this could be really helpful to some of you. I posted a few months ago ...
AsthmaRese profile image
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Noshers time

Only just been diagnosed, love to chat to someone
Wonderboy6 profile image


Good morning, I have been tested for COPD since 2017. I am taking BREO Ellipta &...
TpTe profile image

Asthma/COPD... Unsure but need diagnosis? Anyone else's results not confirmed please?

Hi All, Firstly I'd just like to say how great this group is and how we all sup...
Ami40 profile image


Hi All, I suffer from anxiety issues and formoteral (Fostair, Symbicort) seems t...
Ami40 profile image

Which steroid is best if you have anxiety?!

Hi All, I've been on the search for a decent steroid inhaler with minimal side e...
Ami40 profile image

Symbicort 100/6 side effects or?

Hi All, Would just like your input/advice if possible. We all know that when ta...
Ami40 profile image

Symbicort but 100/6 for COPD?

Hi All, been prescribed Symbicort as other steroids didn't agree with me... Been...
Ami40 profile image

Tight chest

Hiya. I just wanted to ask you if you start waking in the night hot and chest hu...
Madonna1 profile image

Am I progressing.

Hello..I am concerned that I am progressing with copd as I was fine in the morni...
Madonna1 profile image

Covid Jab? Confirmation?

Hi All, I've received a txt from NHS-No Reply (same place where all my texts fro...
Ami40 profile image

COPD.... Pulmicort/Symbicort for out of breath only?

Hi All, I think after trying a few different inhalers, I may try pulmicort or sy...
Ami40 profile image

COPD... Symbicort or budesonide??

Hi All, I tried Spiriva and had fast heart beat, so had to come off it. I've tr...
Ami40 profile image

Spiriva alternatives please... Something that doesn't affect heart rate as much!

Hi All, Can I please ask what you tried after Spiriva please?? And what's been s...
Ami40 profile image

SPIRIVA HANDIHALER 1St day... Increased heart rate when walking only... Is this normal?

Hi All, Did you have a fast heart rate for the first day? I've took my Spiriva ...
Ami40 profile image

air phsyio

has any one on here tried the new air physio you blow in to it slowly after 5 t...
guytane profile image

New here

Hi, I’m new here. I was diagnosed with COPD a decade ago. Also, had a stroke 3 y...
awakeagain profile image

Oxygen retainer

I was initially diagnosed with COPD five years ago and have both emphysema and c...
CRONIFOMAD profile image

Have questions? Join us for a free online support group meeting March 31

During these difficult times, the team at Right2Breathe want you to know that yo...
R2B_Joe profile image

Ugh copd and now sleep apnea

Never smoked but somehow I have copd and now I was tested for sleep apnea and I ...
Brina423 profile image

Right2Breathe Virtual Support Group- Anyone want to join us this Tuesday?

Hello all! Right2Breathe is in the early development of an online patient suppo...
R2B_Joe profile image

Throat problems

First let me clarify that I am faithful to rinse and gargle after all treatments...
Nikilet profile image

Nebulized meds - a little left in the cup after treatment

I recently switched from inhalers to nebulized meds. I try to go extra long on m...

COPD / stem cell

I HAVE COPD for about the last year 1 1/2 and have looked into stem cell and am...
denture profile image


I had my yearly test to see how my emphysema is doing. My last exam was in May o...
morehope profile image


I got given by the dr. some vials Duolin to put in my Nebuliser I just looked...
levina profile image


Predicting mortality. There are many other factors in predicting mortality wi...

Red Sage

Has anyone taken Red Sage or some call it Danshen? Supposed to be very helpful f...
xx11xx profile image
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