Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

3,587 members1,409 posts

All posts for September 2017

Quitting smoking

mysticalrosa profile image

Well .. I fell for it. MDVIP program is not what they say it is.

So, guys...I go to this expensive new Dr. Mrs. MDVIP!!! What a bunch of rubbis...

combination of drugs

I am taking Anoro Ellipta with Symbicort but at 12 hours in between. is this bad...
skint018 profile image
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Breathing and food

Sometimes food is very hard for me to digest. I am 4th stage emphysema. I still...
Pyyyyyyyy profile image

Its been a while since I have checked in

I thought I'd drop in, I saw the 40% post and I'm that's me! It took a helicopte...
Cynmp profile image

Question Again!

My husband just completed 3 rounds of antibiotics and steroids and began to feel...
MAB5 profile image

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