Osteoarthritis Action | HealthUnlocked

Osteoarthritis Action

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Hello, I'm 71 and had a fall about 8 weeks ago. I thought it was just a sprain ...
Falcon9 profile image

So fed up

Hi, I've got osteoarthritis and it's getting to the point where the can't enjoy ...


Recommendations for overcoming meniscus issues. Thank you.
Rj223hul profile image

Top tips for walking with arthritis

Walking is often recommended for people with arthritis because it’s a low-impact...

Consultant reccomendation please

Hi, I am new here, but not new to seeking and giving help and advice to others w...
Sanpet profile image

stress fraction

Saw my knee specialist. MRI revealed a stress fracture in the knee not torn meni...
Rj223hul profile image
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We aim to have a friendly community that provides information and support for those with osteoarthritis. We be...

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