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Tinnitus UK

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i have tinnintus fir about 6 months and i take2 by 25 mgs amitriptylene most nig...
euge200 profile image

covid related?

does anyone feel ike the tinnitus started after covid? Just interested in any li...
Retailgirl profile image

Has anyone else has become disabled ( like me) with the reactive T and cant go out and about ?

Reactive tinnitus has disabled my life : Car travel is very difficult and i have...
surviveT profile image
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Vertigo and fluid in ear

Hello, I have been suffering with vertigo for a few weeks. The doctor said it w...

loud buzzing all day and night, can’t sleep now unless the radio is on low, so stressful and feeling anxious

I’m 63 have had a bit of vertigo a few years ago but no hearing problems until t...

Tinnitus through Loud Concert

Hi Everyone, I am new here, I just wanted to share my experience to see if any...
User6548 profile image


I had extra high blood pressure & I was given Amlodipine, within 1-2 weeks, my t...
Dazza2024 profile image

Interesting article about music and tinnitus

This was sent to me originally by a friend, knowing that I suffer with tinnitus....
FoxyBit profile image

ear defenders for people with hearing aids

hello amazing people I would like to buy ear defenders for work that cover hea...
Fernfield profile image

Mindfulness for Tinnitus...the journey home.

Hi all, hope your well. I developed Tinnitus 15months ago and still have it. ...
AmitLakhani profile image

New approach, live with it!

I’ve decided to take a new approach and thought I’d share. I’m work as a singe...

Is it pulsative tinnitus?

I have been coping ok with noisy tinnitus for 4 years but for the last 5 months ...
nigelph profile image

High pitch noise (screechy hiss) 8-9 khz that modulates in time with my heartbeat what is this?

This terrible noise has been wrecking my life since I had covid and subsequent j...
NHSisbroken profile image

Upper Cervical Chiropractor

Hi Has anyone used the above to help ETD - UCC use a gentle approach as oppos...

toby the dog

question does alcohol make T worse
tobythedog profile image

Good evening all

Been a while since i have wrote to you all. Wondering if anyone has had anythi...
GEDB1 profile image

Stopping HRT for tinnitus

I’m just interested if anyone on HRT has stopped it (gel and progesterone tablet...
Rabb5 profile image

new pulsatile tinnitus

hello, I have tinnitus for years and I actually cope very well. Tonight while ...
Amyleeh profile image


Hi there I have been awaiting an MRi scan as I have pulsatile Tinnitus in one ea...

Imbalance caused by ears?

I am trying to tap into people's experience of suffering from imbalance issues c...

Ear problems

I am currently suffering with a blocked feeling in my ears but had them checked ...
JennaMax profile image

Tinnitus and White Noise

Over the last 3 years my Tinnitus has deteriorated rapidly. It is constant and I...
Nana1944 profile image

New to tinnitus and frightened

Hi everyone, I'm new to tinnitus, just 3 weeks in but have already been told my ...
MiniRocket profile image

Severe tinnitus and sensorineural hearing loss

(Moderator's note - this post contains suicidal ideation, which may be upsetting...
LRM001 profile image

Tinnitus what to do

Hi All, new to this site. I have had tinnitus for some time and been able to cop...
CMRN11 profile image


hi I’m new to group Diagnosed menieres about 8 yrs ago Suffer from severe he...
Bluerose57 profile image

plugged ear feeling due to sudden hearing loss

hello Group! I hope you are having a nice bank holiday and that tinnitus is “beh...

anyone tried CBT?

hello…has anyone tried CBT for tinnitus, and did it help? Or any other therapy y...
Amanda150 profile image

Changed mood. Isolation.

I'm not sure about posting this. I've become aware of myself changing over the l...

Pulsatile tinnitus more troublesome around noise

hello , I suffer from different types of tinnitus and would like to ask the grou...
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