About - Macular Society | HealthUnlocked

Macular Society

5,161 members2,548 posts

About Macular Society

Macular disease is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK, with around 300 people diagnosed every day.

The Macular Society is the only charity in the UK determined to beat the fear and isolation of macular disease with world class research, and the best advice and support.

Our research programme is focused on finding new treatments and a cure to Beat Macular Disease forever. To support people affected by macular disease now, the Macular Society provides a range of support, information and services.

If you see someone with a "Helping Hand" badge by their name, this member has been recognized as someone who regularly contributes to the forum and helps others, this could be through sharing their own experiences with Macular conditions, giving some advice or ideas, or by signposting members to maybe call us directly to get more specific advice.


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Did you know the Macular Society has over 14,000 members? Be part of our growing community and together we can Beat Macular Disease.

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