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Couch to 5K

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All posts for March 2014

Did run 2/w4 on Sunday but could only manage half of it...

Tried again r2/w4 today (Wednesday) - seems I keep taking the wrong route - the ...
Pigivi profile image

Starting all over..

Hi guys, Been absent from here for i think around 6 months. Had ...
Ryansson profile image

Completed week 8 run 2. Struggled in the sunshine. A banana and a glass of milk later and my head is still fuzzy. Is this just dehydration?

Matthew88 profile image
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I just want to run!

A few weeks ago I bought some karrimor run shoes, calfs were like lead weights n...
iwillbeskinny profile image

The one year itch!

Completed couch to 5k a little over a year ago :). I am still going out every ot...
emmarocky profile image

Ladies - winter running

I know winter's over, but I've not been on here in a while. Just wondered what ...
Birdie74 profile image

W4R1 - scared!

I'm planning on doing this tonight after work and, quite frankly, I'm petrified....
topsychicks profile image

There was a section on here where you could see where people were based. have had a quick search and can't see it, is it no longer here?

maryannlucy profile image

Week 5 stitch

Hi folks, I've attempted week 5 run 1 twice and both times I've been severely sl...
Kalypso profile image

Back to the start

Okay, so got to the end of wk4, really chuffed but my shins and knees weren't! S...
BordersDad71 profile image

wow that was hard!

Just completed W2R2! I had no motivation this morning to get up and do it, I rea...
Pamplemoose profile image

Hi. I had an ingunial hernia repair 8 weeks ago. Still slightly sore. Desperate to start running again. When should I begin?

CP44 profile image

W9R3 done last night !

I can't quite believe it! Last year was a tough one - I was ill and in treatment...
Smallwoodsue profile image

What are these strange things on my legs?

With a bit of good weather that seems to have arrived, I went out in shorts for ...
rcp27 profile image

Thank you Laura!!

Think I'm now really a runner - went out and just ran strong for 25mins, no need...
Yeshe profile image

2nd run of week 7

So just about to head out there this morning and since starting to do these nons...
Run_Rob profile image

W3R2 - cross!!!!!!

Good morning you all. Got up at 5h30, got my gear ready to do w3r2 and what do ...
Hidden profile image

I'm inspired !!

Hello everyone......I have been reading the couch to 5 k posts for about a month...
kirsten117 profile image

Just completed week one I think I'm hooked

I decided to run after being hospitalised by a virus, turning 40 and feeling a b...

Well week 4 completed but knees worrying me

Just completed W4R3 not my best run of the week dead leg syndrome but concerned ...
Dilly23 profile image

Hi, I joined a hydrotherapy class and enjoyed it, I could not go last week because my neck shoulders and arms were painful. In fact I was in

Pain for 4 days. I notice lots of you run, i cannot run because of. Degenerate d...
Hidden profile image


sorry i just couldnt help myself
moger profile image

Day 1 Week2. Had to stop cos of pain in calf/Achilles tendon. Cold compress? try walking it out over the next couple of days ?

Determined60 profile image

Don't you just love this

Only those taking part in Couch to 5k can understand this
Burstcouch profile image

Jantastic 2014 - NHS Couch to 5K Team - Week 11

It's the penultimate week of Jantastic and our team is currently lying in 12th p...
Legion profile image

Oooh get me with my swanky new Graduate badge!

Thanks, Admin!
YJB1 profile image

How long should I use my foam roller for?

I love my new foam roller and it's really helping to keep muscle spasm at bay, s...
YJB1 profile image


Hi folks I got up earlier than usual this morning and went out for an 8.30am sau...
danzargo profile image

Week 3r1 Tough to start, easy to finish

Just got back from my first run of week 3, I'm elated, joyful and feeling very m...
didelphnaar profile image

park run query

So I have been putting off the parkrun until I can do a 30min 5k and I think tha...
ReyC profile image