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Couch to 5K

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All posts for August 2013

Still got sore shins!

Hi there! I am up to week 4, run 2, and am still suffering from sore shins. It h...
SYork10 profile image

W4 R1. Misplaced optimism?

Just completed W4R1and found it hard going. Week 3 was no problem for me but thi...
Tedium1 profile image

Just started in derby

Hi have just started week 1 would any beginners be interested in trying to fini...
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W9R1 and the sun came out....arrrghhhhh

I really am struggling. What is going on?! My breathing was shocking from the st...
Eve1975 profile image

Oh dear!

Ok so week 2 hasn't gone to plan. Did runs 1 and 2 with no problems then caught ...
Dovercourt profile image

Back to running and it hurts!

I've been resting a sore Achilles for the past two weeks, it hasn't got much bet...
Tessietwo profile image

Pains 5k a medal and a wasted half hour

Just spent half an hour trying to find the button to post a blog on here and sti...
bikergirl profile image

Any tips on boosting energy for an early morning run.

I don't think I have a real problem here, but I have long been conscious that ru...
Nerdio profile image

Knee pain

well i was going to start week 2 of B210K today, but ive had so much knee pain o...
chuck71 profile image

Parkrun the day before a Half Marathon?

I've registered for the Great North Run on 15th September (a Sunday). I do a pa...
lolb profile image

Hi everyone:)

Hi everyone, I just joined the community. I've been doing the couch to 5k this ...
splenda78 profile image

5x50 Challenge Team - we made the front page!!!
SBG356 profile image

Stretching runs.

It has taken me rather longer to get to WK8 - than the 8 weeks! A week off as w...
Salarmy profile image

How do I get the C25k downloads onto a Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 phone?

I used to have them on a little memory stick player thing but it's died on me. ...
Clueless profile image

Started Week 2 But Have Knee Pain

I am so pleased with myself for getting through week 1, but now I started week 2...
RuthP profile image

Stretches for post run.

I am looking for some advice on good stretches for calf and thigh muscles after ...
muzikalbadger profile image

Left hand down a bit.

Grinning like mad along most of the route of my run this morning. Following alon...
Beads profile image

parkrun results for NHS Couch to 5k 03/08/13

parkrun results for NHS Couch to 5k Please find comprehensive list of members ...
tygfuz profile image

Post graduate blues...

I can't believe how motivated and determined to achieve I was during the program...
Rockcello profile image

reasons I came up with why I was not going to run this morning....

My knees hurt and I need at least a week for them to recover. I got up too late ...
Lingmell profile image

Playlist triumph!

I put together a playlist for my week 8 runs, I couldn't face anymore podcast mu...
Hidden profile image

Week 5 run 3 to come...

I found this forum last week and this is my first post. I have just come back fr...
Lisa9912ml profile image

Cornish runs?

Hello all Me and the kids are off on holiday tomorrow to stay with my sister in...
ju-ju- profile image

Running on holiday - who'd have believed it ?!!

I'm on holiday on Thassos and took my gear with me. Not sure that I believed I'd...
scotsheather profile image

first day today

Hi week 1 and first session .... Loved it but not looking forward to the later w...
zippy profile image

Bored myself to my longest run yet

I have been running of late, in terms of my ears that is, stark naked! I've jett...
danzargo profile image

and to 'speed' podcast...

It was good, I stopped on the last interval for a break as the humidity was gett...
runningwild profile image

Slowly but surely

Went out for the first run after my boohoo run on Thursday. Kept waking up thro...
Realfoodieclub profile image

Sunday running.

Running just gets all my senses going. To feel the hot air, and the cool breeze ...
TJFlute profile image

What a huge disappointment!

I was quite excited when I came across Couch to 5K, but then realised that I cou...
kittiwake100 profile image