Posts - Colon Cancer Connected | HealthUnlocked

Colon Cancer Connected

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Clear poops with red dots in them?

I've been having these thin poops for maybe a few weeks and today I've noticed t...
Equal profile image

Waiting for colonoscopy and worried

Hey all, 47/male from the US here. Just wanted to say hey and drop my story. I h...

worried something missing

after having skin issues ie red burning rash and bloating and blood in stool and...
Doughnut83 profile image
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Confused about relatives diagnosis and treatment for colon cancer

Grandad is 87, diagnosed with colon cancer at the beginning of the year. Only sy...
Fenella34 profile image

Probability of Collateral Cancer After Clear Colonoscopy a Few Years Prior?

Hey gang, Although aware that a precancerous polyp evolving into malignancy is ...

Colorectal Cancer Biomarkers and Treatment Impact - If you are ever diagnosed with colon cancer ....

Do you know how your biomarker testing results can impact your colorectal cancer...
GCCA-Survivor profile image

Scared of the Future.....

My husband (42M) has been having the feeling of needing to use the bathroom 7-10...
MisSchulte profile image


Hi, I’m just looking for some advice. Recently my bowel habits have changed dras...
laurie22 profile image

fit test positive

I need some advice, I had a baby 6 months ago and my bowel habit has changed. I...
Newmummy23 profile image

treatment for rectal bleeding/hemorrhoids?

It’s now May 2024 and I’ve had a total of two colonoscopies and one sigmoidoscop...
digar profile image

Blood dropped in toilet and I’m scared to death. Is this hemms or am I seriously sick?

please I can’t afford a colonoscopy. I’m 32M
Martin3488 profile image


I've had a FIT test came back positive for blood ,I'm 77 with a family history o...
Patcon profile image

Metallic Smelling Poops a sign of colon cancer?

From time to time over the years I have stools that I can only describe as smell...
w1ndowman profile image

colonoscopy perforation risk

I saw my PCP and told him there was rectal bleeding and he immediately said I ne...
Flowerytimes profile image

Hoping someone can calm my anxiety.. colon cancer

Hello, I am a 26 year old female. I have been experiencing some scary symptoms t...
Iamgroot2 profile image

Bloody or Brown Mucus on Stools

My symptoms started with having food poisoning that lasted 5 days going 3 times ...
Gardenlover24 profile image

blood on stool worrisome

I am not sure if I have an anal fissure or something worse. It started with seei...
Flowerytimes profile image

is this cancer?

i’ve posted on here once for a scare, i’m back again. i’m 24 years old, and my p...


I managed to get throught to someone and they have fast tracked my son, so shoul...
Longboots7979 profile image


One month later, still waiting for a colonoscopy. can’t wait because my poop ar...
Cat4ever profile image

test results

Hi I received these blood test results today but didn’t receive any explanation ...
Glouise1234 profile image

still having symptoms

Hi I posted a while ago about my son who is 23 had a fit positive test off 200 ...
Longboots7979 profile image

Beyond frustrated

Back in the end of November/early December of 2023 I started having rectal bleed...
Yuckypoo profile image

Positive FIT 400

Hi all, I’m a 37 yo female. I’ve had IBS for years so have always suffered with...
Lisaf327 profile image


Hi, I'm a 36 yr old male. 10 years ago I underwent multiple test fit test, brea...
Oliver1488 profile image

Colon Cancer

I had a bowl movement this morning and I saw blood in my stool, that right there...
Hosmon profile image

Scared and Frustrated

The beginning of February i thought i had the beginnings of maybe a stomach bug....


47 years old. I had knee surgery almost 2 weeks ago and after the surgery I took...
djroo profile image

potential colorectal cancer

Hi, I am 23 and currently stressing whilst awaiting my colonoscopy. About ...

I am scared of colon cancer

hello everyone, I am scared that I might have colon cancer. I have changes in b...
Kvance424 profile image
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