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Thyroid UK

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All posts for December 2012

Anybody had the Cushing;s suppression test and feel great the next day?

I asked this a few days ago but I didn't get much response. I had a suppression ...
loopyhels profile image

Have been suffering with a very painful shoulder for about three months.

GP referred me to physio, who has given me exercises, but tbh they haven't reall...
beanyjeany profile image

What is happening with Goldshield?

My Chemist used to provide me with Goldshield Levo, he then went over to Wockhar...
Joyia profile image
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Bruising, low platelet count and hair loss - are they connected??

Hi All I had a series of blood tests done recently to coincide with my switch...
lizanne profile image

can anyone tell me the brand name for a bottle of Levothyroxine 50mg tablets. They have T.A printed on them and C on the other side.

There is no info with them. I'm trying to stick to tablets with the same ingredi...
surfgirl profile image


i was diagnosed in October with over active thyroid, was given carbizamole to t...
mjack profile image

When are my Adrenals ready

Have been supporting Adrenals for years & still not good enough to start Thyroid...
QUE6T-33 profile image

How do people measure pulse rate?

Do any of you use a pulse rate watch? I find it really hard to measure my pu...
Ocean2 profile image

Starting dose too low ?

Hello again. My GP started me on a dose of 25mcg of levothyroxime. In fact i...
Rapunzel profile image

Do hypertension meds (calcium antagonist and beta blocker), need to be taken 4hours after eltroxin?

foxglove profile image

What Thyroid tests should I expect to receive on NHS? .

I have half my thyroid remaining after removal of multinodular goitre five years...
debfinch profile image

Officially in remission anyone else been there and how long did it last

I was discharged from endo this week officially in remission all bloods within n...
carefulkate profile image

Pernicious anaemia and vitamin B12 deficiency debate

Don't know if this video about B12 deficiency has been posted before but it migh...
editfmrt profile image

Anyone had experience of thyroid levels going through the roof after 10 years of being steady on same medication?

Also anyone experienced atrial fibrillation? How would a doctor determine if th...
Tishyk profile image


hello everyone, i do hope you are all keeping well ,now a question do any of my ...
lanky profile image

same tsh result a year apart but feel so much better.

would any one be able to help me understand why my annual blood test result, tsh...
happy664 profile image

What Should I do/ask for?

I have had ME (whatever that is) for 36 years. Since the menopause I have been ...
rosetrees profile image

Test results what do you think?

Hi all I am having all sorts of problems with endocrinologists, I wonder if a...
Throid profile image

Feel like standing outside Downing Street dressed as a zombie

Feel like standing outsideDowning Street dressed as a Zombie under the NHS this ...
VanessaB profile image

Latest in my long battle to get NDT on the NHS: who do i write to next, getting confused?

Hi all Been self medicating with NDT since aug.12. I switched GPs a couple o...
Hidden profile image

HRT and T3 together?

Does anyone currently take T3 and HRT together and if so what is your experience...
Rachellb profile image

when prescribed thyroxine does it mean that your taking them for life. the past doc didnt look into the causes of hyperglycaemic (symptoms.)

the GP did a blood test then perscribed thyroxine saying my thyroid was low. it...
wasokonce profile image

eat right for your type, what is your blood type?.....o?

I'm reading some really interesting stuff, no proven with science, maybe i'm vul...
Hidden profile image

Hi im a 50 year old working mum of four raising a second family.I used to have tons of energy.

I have changed doctors at last and had my levethroxine increased which has impro...
henn profile image

Flu and thyroid

Hi. Despite my flu jab ... I now have a bad dose of flu!! I took beechams flu ta...
siannie profile image

Starting Armour...!

I will probably have loads of questions soon enough but just two for the mo! Eve...
BexyLS profile image

'Well' blood test results

I don't know if anyone would have read my previous post about feeling well a yea...
wandell1 profile image

Is it bad for your general health to have your tsh suppressed?

This site has helped me so much. I will write a blog to tell how things have im...
shambles profile image

Up and down like a whore's drawers

I am still coming to grips with this thyroid malarkey but wondered if there were...
efilwol profile image

Has anyone seen Dr Nyjohn Eccles in London?

Please let me now if so how it worked out..... Thanks
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