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Sleep Matters

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Zopiclone Taper/Withdrawal

I’ve been on Zopiclone for about 4 years now and have slowly upped the dose beca...
Hidden profile image


was given this fir sleep to replace lorazapam as dies this medicine cause liver ...
Bruisegirl69 profile image


Anyone tried this new insomnia drug please ? I was wanting to try it but one GP...
linc2u profile image

Tradazone 100mg

People’s reviews on tradazone for sleep . Was on lorazapam for years and been we...
Bruisegirl69 profile image

obstructive sleep apnea

I have had obstructive sleep apnea since I was born, this was 84 years ago. I we...
Lybra profile image

Laser uvulopalatoplasty for snoring - does it work?

My dentist has recommended this to stop my very loud snoring. I'm trying to lear...


weaned myself from 1mg to 0.5mg for the last 2 weeks but was given tradazone 100...

diazepam for sleep

been Polly drugged years depression . got.of most left in diazepam for sleep. wa...
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A peer support community for people who struggle with sleeping problem such as insomnia, circadian rhythm diso...

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