Posts - PSP Association | HealthUnlocked

PSP Association

9,371 members11,412 posts

All posts for October 2022

He’s gone

Colin passed away this morning, 8 days on the syringe driver with no food and dr...
Helen119 profile image

Thank you

I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to this group. My dad finally allowed...

The Guardian article about CBS/CBD

Every diagnosis of CBD & PSP is challenging, not just for the individual but the...
HelenPSPA profile image
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episodes of normal speech?

once in a while when I am rested I can speak and sort of walk normally. Does thi...
Cantiga profile image

Life goes on...

Dropping in to say hello. It's been over 4 years since Michael passed. I haven'...
Mikey12345 profile image

Very last stage

hi everyone, Colin has been put on “end of life” drugs now via a syringe driver,...
Helen119 profile image

Looking for help

Hi, to everyone on here im new to this site, my mum has PSP for over two years...
Beckany profile image

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