Posts - PSP Association | HealthUnlocked

PSP Association

9,371 members11,414 posts

All posts for June 2021

Don’t know what to expect

I was diagnosed with PSP and CBD in December 2020 . I haven’t had much support f...

His trial is over

Hello Friends, As expected, my lovely husband Mike passed away yesterday evening...
Caro2132 profile image

End stage

How do you know if they are in the end stage? My husband is now holding his righ...
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Restlessness/Impulsive Behavior

My 64 year old brother can’t seem to sit still. He pulls and tugs at his clothin...
Zebra10 profile image

Corticobasal Disease Suggested Treatment

Someone suggested that ritalin might be beneficial. Has anyone had any experien...


I know I have seen something about communication aids on this site - brother's s...
redkilt profile image

Grateful to see this PSP Association

My wife, Lu, was diagnosed with CorticoBasal Ganglionic Degeneration (CBGD) on ...
SunnyBoy777 profile image

Nomination period for the 10,000 Voices Awards now open

The 10,000 Voices Awards aim to celebrate the bravery, support and achievements ...
HelenPSPA profile image

whishing a miracle ....

Hello everyone, how many times have I hoped to wake up from a bad nightmare .......
kjschy profile image

My father with PSP

Hi all from India. I can't even express what we are going through with my father...
chonamona profile image

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