Posts - PSP Association | HealthUnlocked

PSP Association

9,339 members11,392 posts

All posts for October 2019


Anyone used a weighted blanket ? My husband gets night terrors and gets tangled ...

Frustration brings on shaking??

Okay. Here's another one for you guys: A lot of times when Sandy gets frustrated...

Perfect and relaxation ...

So this evening was a real treat! I hired a massage therapist to come in, and tr...
bazooka111 profile image
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Is It Time for a Nursing Home?

Hi all Its been a long time since I have been here, I am sorry about that. I ha...
Hidden profile image

Sleepy sleepy💤💤

Momma is so tired these days. She looks tired in her eyes, and is now taking af...
bazooka111 profile image

The Hummingbirds are back

Just to let you know, the PSPA have more hummingbird hanging decorations. I bou...
NannaB profile image

Keith has passed

The reason for my checking out this very helpful forum has, sadly, recently left...
LIFESTYLER1 profile image

Swallow test - passed with colors, just not flying colors

The speech therapist came last week and gave Sandy a swallow test. I kind of wan...

Anticipating next piece of equipment for the adventure!

In my attempt to stay one step ahead of the wild tiger aka PSP / CBS (although I...

My Dinner Date

Tonight is our night out for dinner ... have I mentioned how much I love her?? I...
bazooka111 profile image

Thank you all

Thank you all for your thoughtful responses. I live in San Jose,ca


My wonderful Mum......slept peacefully on Saturday. I am certain she is with my ...
eurolynch profile image

Hunter Moon

This is from a few nights ago. Night pictures aren't the best with the camera o...
Dadshelper profile image

Caramel Apple Delivery!

My brother came by today with a wonderful delivery of Rocky Mountain Chocolate F...
bazooka111 profile image

Trying to live with psp

I have psp.I sit about all day I can't live with this disease.I have double vis...

A Cold, Constipation, Mice and an OS Upgrade.

I have a cold making caregiver especially trying. No rest for the weary. Larry ...
Hidden profile image

PSP Patient | Sleepless Nights

Hello- My father was diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and un...
s1mplyGuS profile image

Palliative care

First I want to thank Robin Riddle for the link to the post that indicates the s...
Caro2132 profile image

Give as much support as you can. More rare diseases that have no cure.

Since my sister was diagnosed with P.S.P. I have been reading as much as I can a...
Outrigger profile image

Sub -types of PSP

I was at a support group last night for Frontal Temporal Dementia. Although my h...


Hi all Just wondering what others do when your LO sleeps much longer than usual....
beau1988 profile image

on grief and loss

I was reading this book (finished it yesterday) about a mother's journey to Mach...
Zibo profile image

CHC review

Can anyone tell me what score is needed to get through an annual CHC review. Eg...
edgie profile image


Momma enjoyed watching one of her grandsons play some football today! She’s 95%...
bazooka111 profile image

Rest in peace Dad

My dear daddy passed away today. Am overcome with grief, and writing on this for...

Drooling problem

My wife's drooling is becoming a major problem,is there any way of reducing the ...
acorneater profile image


Is dizziness a symptom you have experienced?

Computer/tablet help

Hi everyone, I’m very new to this group and it looks really helpful already. I’m...
Soncat2019 profile image


Just to say that the PSPA online shop is selling lovely acrylic hummingbirds for...
Westerngirl profile image

Further down the PSP road

Following a bad fall down the stairs my wife has recently returned home after tw...
acorneater profile image

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