Posts - PSP Association | HealthUnlocked

PSP Association

9,339 members11,392 posts

All posts for October 2018

Wedding Day 22/10/2018

Good morning from Mr and Mrs Hankinson to all you lovely people. Yesterday was s...
Hiking13 profile image


I'm new to 76 yr old mom was diagnosed 2weeks ago and 4years ago she was...
Sha66 profile image

Hoping for cure

I have just recently been diagnosed with PSP, have had nuclear brain scan an it ...
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VA Assistance for US Veterans

Took hubby to his yearly check in at the VA. Have to see a VA doc max 2 years to...
daffodil48 profile image

Coupons and Discounts for Medical Supplies in the USA


Was wondering if there as a association for ones that have CBD My sister of 70 h...
Sislin profile image

My sister and PSP

I have not visited this site for quite a while and now as I read several stories...
Aryanti profile image

Update to my post on the U-Step 2 Walker, the best walker for those with PSP

There is an attachment known as the Cueing Module that is made for the U-Step 2 ...
grafixapn profile image

New Kid on the block here ...

Want to first say thank you to everyone that has contributed to this site. Altho...
bazooka111 profile image

Ignoring behaviour

Mum with PSP for a least eight years. Does anyone else experience ignoring behav...
Kaylewis profile image

Phlegm in the stomach-peg tube

Has anyone’s PSP loved one experienced excess phlegm in the stomach? While check...
tlovins profile image

I know I’m not alone in this.

Had a real screaming match with Larry last night. Around 6 he went up to his bed...
Hidden profile image

Tearing my hair out

I don’t know how to help. Sometimes the rants make sense. Like water water water...
bsilverman profile image

Handling belt???

I wonder if anyone has experience of using a handling or gate belt?? My husband...
Tippyleaf profile image

New member

I have recently been diagnosed with PSP so I want to be kept informed of any new...
pandyjohn profile image

Starting Sinemet today

Starting Sinemet today. My mummy has been diagnosed with suspected PSP last mont...
Mymummy profile image

Saliva Management

Hi to all i have been doing more reading on Saliva. If you type this into Google...
Birdman34265 profile image

Marathon Update

I just thought I would let you all know that my daughter and I completed the Yor...
Hiking13 profile image

Coughing on Saliva

Hi to all ,i have found something helpful on coughing on Saliva,if put one quart...

My Father

I Regret to inform you that my father Edmond A. lost his battle to PSP on sept 2...
Jantebi profile image

Is it the diet of the African American or the way they prepare their food is what is harmful to their health?

Nurse: Lorna Libbett It's not the food itself greens, cornbread, yams, turkey, d...

My step dad

My dad has cbd
Ryder123 profile image

Travel Insurance

Hi all my husband is 55 and has CBD. He is in the early stages. He is mobile. We...
Hidden profile image

Medication help

Hello I'm looking for advice. My mum has CBD and has lately been forgetting to t...
Bobbiejo21 profile image


Good morning all you lovely people. I just thought I would share something posit...
Hiking13 profile image

New Fundraiser...

Hello one and all, I know that there some on this forum who don't use Facebook....
daddyt profile image

Another picture

To cheer us up 😀
jmoffat profile image

His new thing.

Larry has decided to get up at 1 or 2 in the morning and insists on going down t...
Hidden profile image

Help on meds

FIL has been prescribed meds for the spasms he is troubled by. Problem is he wen...
Pooches profile image

Excellent Care home in South London

Sadly it feels that my Mother who suffers from PSP will need a team of helpers p...
Ruby1978 profile image

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