Posts - PSP Association | HealthUnlocked

PSP Association

9,371 members11,411 posts

All posts for April 2014


Someone asked about turmeric. The healing benefits of turmeric or better circum...

is it possible to view these PSP cards on line please Debbie? marytea

marytea13 profile image

would like to get the copy of a poem on PSP. One line state "appears to be not quite there", not exact words.

My husband had PSP and passed on in 2005. Our grandson is doing a school project...
Schatzel profile image
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Father in law past away

Sadly tonight my father in law past away, he was only dignosed with psp 8 weeks...
leemaree profile image

swollen ankles - is this usual with PSP

my ankles are extremely swollen + painful is this part of PSP? I have not read o...
marytea13 profile image

after 10 years of caregiving with nothing in sight I think that if the grimm reaper came to my door I would show him in ,normal feeling ?

nomansland profile image

Turmeric versus Warfarin?

There have been a lot of posts about taking Turmeric. S has to take Warfarin and...
Heady profile image

Is there anyway to roughly tell what stage of PSP someone is in? I realize every case is different and there are many bumps along the way

that can affect each patient. Is there a criteria or something for stage 1, stag...

My dad was rushed in hospital today,he's stable at the moment but critical.he has a mask on that is helping him to breathe,

Is it bad that I think he looks so peaceful,when usually he's coughing and choki...
Robin20 profile image


I have noticed that there are not many posts about CBD. My husband has just rece...

My husband either moans and groans ALL day long or he coughs constantly. It is awful for him but drives me mad but I know he cannot do

much about it. Dorothy thompson

Can anyone give any advice regarding excessive saliva, we are not able to use hyoscine patches as my husband also has glaucoma.

Most days he is constantly drooling and it is also causing problems pooling in h...
LyndaP profile image

Dad passed away last month from PSP

Hi my dad passed away last month after a fall down the stairs and fracturing his...
Geetak profile image

Mum fell.

I have been struggling to understand or explain to my mum why she keeps falling ...
Gilly58 profile image

My mother in law has recently been diagnosed with CBD and is having some problems with writing. Can anyone recommend any specialist pens?

Hidden profile image

Can't control his face muscle's

For the last week or so, usually begins at the end of the day. My husband has P...
Hidden profile image

A new PSP Blog and registry

The attached is a link to a newly created, informative blog by Dr. Golbe of Rutg...
Christine47 profile image

Advice about accommodation (UK) required if possible.

My step mum has PSP and this post is to help my Dad through very testing times. ...
tractorboy profile image

Am i being selfish?

My father, for around 25 years now, has had leukaemia. Its one of the rarer form...
cheeki119 profile image

My father inlaw Diagnosed with psp...

My father inlaw was a active man, lived alone and done everything for himself un...
leemaree profile image

Had a very emotional few days,my dad is now peg fed,and can take nothing through his mouth,keeping his oral hygiene and making sure his.

Mouth is kept moist,watching him choking on phlem,thank god for the suction mach...
Robin20 profile image

A helpful medication for anyone who suffers from sleep apnea caused by PSP.

I'll try to give a brief:) summary regarding how my apnea came about...My Neuro ...
JudyJ profile image

My father also has PSP, very sad. I am glad I found this sight and have read so many postings. I do have a couple of questions

My Dad doesn't have the spasms yet, but for future reference can anyone tell me ...

did anyone have relief for a stiff neck using baclofen,thank-you,Rollie

nomansland profile image

Hiya my dad has had psp for 4 years, he fell a broke his hip and pelvis and came out of hospital after 10 weeks a month ago. His hip has

Mended and he is now walking with a frame. He is obviously fed up with himself a...
Joannebale43 profile image

Please if anyone with a clear head please read and post !!!!!!
edkor profile image

exercise is this good for PSP? CAN IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE?

I have been going to a class that is for Parkinson's people but I am very sore f...
marytea13 profile image

Comment from our physio

Hi all, S having a bad time at the moment. Fallen in the shower and may have cra...
Heady profile image

Does anyone have a neck so stiff that all your loved one,or yourself can do is stare straight up ,unable to look forward at any time,thanks

nomansland profile image

If you are from the UK, please have a look at our new Poll

We have a new poll starting today. To find it, please click on the Polls tab wh...

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