National Migraine Centre | HealthUnlocked

National Migraine Centre

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Aura migraine.

I had another Aura Migraine a couple of nights ago. I took an asprin as soon as ...
Mavary profile image

Chronic migraine and chronic sore throat

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anybody is struggling (and this for years) wi...
Chleo11 profile image

Migraine at work?

Hello! I work at a fast-food place, and I do customer service/drive thu. One of...
sophiebrodie profile image

Has anyone tried either Rimagepant or galcanezumab for vestibular migraine?

It take pizotifen and amitriptyline for vestibular migraine which seems to reduc...
Vieille profile image

Rimegepant and Sumatriptan injections together?

Hi there, I have had chronic migraine for the last 13 years but have had them ev...
SkippyPlatt profile image


Ajovy has given me my life back since having the injections nearly a year ago. H...
Janine61 profile image

Abdominal migraines

Hi, My daughter is 17 and an athlete training at a high level. Over the past 9...

Abdominal Migraine

Hi, My daughter is 17 and is a competitive athlete, training 3-4 times a week an...
katerinoo profile image

Taking a break from Aimovig

Aimovig. I had been on it for just over a year and it’s been life changing, howe...
Susannagrout profile image
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Book a headache consultation now through the National Migraine Centre, the leading UK-wide migraine clinic. Ap...

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020 7251 3322

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