About - Mental Health Support | HealthUnlocked

Mental Health Support

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About Mental Health Support

Shawmind is a young charity on a mental health mission. We are committed to helping young people, adults and communities to have access to mental health resources when they need them. We do not provide therapy or counselling. Our focus is on early intervention, helping people to understand anxiety, its triggers and related mental health affects, and how to effectively deal with them before they escalate into more serious mental health challenges.

Our Breathe Cafés are the perfect place to just ‘breathe’ when you're feeling stressed or anxious. We are partnering with coffeeshops, pubs and restaurants around the country to provide a trained mental health first aider, mental health books, and other resources for those who need them.

BreatheUni is a group run by trained Shawmind student volunteers, for students - dealing with all aspects of student mental health & wellbeing. This group is active on Instagram: @breathe_uni

We provide a range of training courses which help one better understand mental health conditions and how to spot the signs of those who are struggling.

See our website for more info and help!


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No one should have to deal with extreme feelings alone, so please reach out to close family and friends for help if you need to. You can also talk to your GP or contact one of the many mental health resources found in our Help Centre article here: support.healthunlocked.com/...

If you feel you need immediate support, please call your emergency number 999 or go to your local A&E.

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+44 (0)1636 600830

Support our work!

Any size donation no matter how small can and will make a difference to those children, adults and families going through the distress of mental health issues.

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Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked.