Posts - LUPUS UK | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for January 2022

I am new .....

Hi This is my 1st post. Was diagnosed with RA in 1994 when I was 28 with 2 small...
Mogcat profile image

Please take a few minutes to complete an important survey by Lupus Europe

Lupus Europe are running their study for the third time and we have been asked b...
Alida_Bennett profile image

Flare with normal lab work?

Hi! I’ve been having all the flare symptoms por the past couple of weeks after ...
BizCat profile image
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Hi, does the smelling burning go away or is this now a permanent thing?

Got diagnosed with lupus 5 years ago. Usual stuff, joint pain, rashes, pleurisy,...
Lulamay7 profile image

Recommended Lupus Specialist in the UK?

Hello, I’m at my wits end now with my diagnosis journey. I am sick of doctors ...


Mentions lupus and that there are so many types, how this makes it harder to tr...
sarahalice profile image

Impact of covid pandemic on lupus (and other CTD) patients and clinicians - latest article

The Lupus UK (healthunlocked) forum members were pivotal in developing the quest...
robertbob profile image

Rituximab reaction?

Hi, I had my first infusion of Rituximab the 22/12, around New Year’s Eve I star...
Melaxx profile image


My youngest son is 33 and lives in an area where vaccinations were slow to get s...
Hidden profile image


Do you live in Harrogate or a surrounding area? Would you like to connect with ...

Introducing the new Chair of LUPUS UK, Elaine Holland

Hi everyone, After serving two terms as Chair of LUPUS UK, Kevin Weston (Kevin53...
Paul_Howard profile image

How can I lower bp

I have completely cut Salt out out of my diet ! I try and exercise as m limited...
Mystik profile image

Latest gov letters for CEV people

Hi, I still haven't had my email/letter from government and PCR tests, I tried r...
Poshcards profile image

Learning what a flare is!

So I’m new to this whole thing and have had bad anxiety for many years meaning I...
Mrsicecool profile image

Nail issues

Does anyone have issues with their nails (fingers & toes) splitting, cracking, p...
Tiras profile image

need some advice from you lovely lot.

I tested positive for covid NYE. I've had the usual symptoms which haven't been ...
BonnyB profile image

Mystery rash

What is this rash?? Sometimes itchy
Anonymous679 profile image


How do I get to go to the specialist unit at The Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. ...
IndySyd profile image

Gallstone type pain

About 18 months ago I posted that I was getting pain similar to gallstone and pa...
daniel55 profile image


Hi everyone, I have Lupus since 2017 and apparently Fibromyalgia as well, I’m d...
Da_vinci profile image

Doubling Prednisolone

Hi Whippet Lady Hope you are feeling better. Yes, doubling the Prednisolone is g...

Lupus and positive Lateral Flow Tests

I have taken a few lateral flow tests just as a precautionary measure before goi...
Sharspen profile image

Foot Update and Now Cellulitis of the Toe

If you saw my attempt at humour of my red hammer toe, you will understand when I...
Pumpkin2009 profile image

‘Fabulous New Years darlings’

Hope this escapes censorship as it has a naughty word but I think it sums up all...
Hidden profile image


Hi Everyone just a quick question please . I’ve been taking hydroxychloroquine f...
Kazfie profile image

It’s Monday monthly Mira

Happy New Year to you all - I took this pic at Christmas , Mira absolutely adore...
svfarmer profile image

What’s the plan after a third dose of the vaccine?

Hi everyone, firstly just want to wish everyone a very happy new year. I know t...
Froggie70 profile image

Food Tolerance Tests?

Does anyone out there have any opinion on food tolerance tests for helping the i...

Does Hydroxychloroquine make your hair fall out?

I've noticed severe hair loss over the last few years and I'm wondering if it's ...
skylark15 profile image

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that this new year brings you more joy and happ...
JennaShi profile image