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All posts for October 2021

Thin cracks on tongue

Hello, I wonder if anybody out there may have experienced tongue issue. Some sma...
Paprika60 profile image

Ouch !!!!!

Good morning all ! First time posting on here …. But need some advice if poss . ...
SarahLou2 profile image

Hard times

It’s been a tough year or so for many of us. There are always positives though....
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How/why exactly does lupus inflammation effect the hair follicles to cause hair loss, and what can be done to stop it?

If we have the technology to send people to space then there must be something o...
AFrances profile image

Heart problems = adrenal tumour

So it seems they’ve finally found an answer to my ongoing heart and other proble...

Cutie time again!.

Hello everyone Just had to show you 2 week old Nandi, the white rhino trying to ...
misty14 profile image


Right I need some help I have had this rash for a while it goes around almost to...
Sarahmac8312 profile image

Sle and lots of be other things

Can anyone help please I had meanie red disease years ago and after an operation...

mouth ulcer remedy suggestions, pls

Currently recovering from a flare and I've got a mouth ulcer positioned within a...
Amakura profile image

Vaccines and the immunosuppressed webinar

Just thought I'd post this link to the latest Zoe Covid Study in case anyone is ...
CSLO profile image

I have reached out to a Lupus Nurse

after the feeling that the neurologists didn't take my concerns seriously despit...

Waiting continues

Just a check in from me! I've been on annual leave this week which is much neede...

In despair feeling lost and very low 😔

I have had ‘fibromyalgia’ for years, but over the last year things started to ch...
Pink-y profile image

physical pain

hey me again I am in pain with my neck and the physio has not helped. I do not k...
Sarahmac8312 profile image

October is Lupus awareness month. Why not join LUPUS UK for £10 and help LUPUS UK to increase awareness?

By joining LUPUS UK you will receive our excellent News & Views magazine three t...

The spud I dug…

Hello everyone, not been around for a while as I’ve been gathering the autumnal ...


Hi!! I just wanted to send everyone My Love & Blessings. And, don’t forget to SM...
AngelaMew profile image

Hello all u lovely warriors

Just to let u know I had my hip replacement surgery on the 12 October! After all...
Mystik profile image

Jaw/cheek pain!!??

I recently was diagnosed with lupus and Sjögren’s, I was given a steroid shot to...
ZA31 profile image

Third vaccine dose

Hi everyone hope you’re all keeping as safe and well as you can be. Just wanted...
Froggie70 profile image

3rd covid injection and then booster?

Hi everyone I hope your all doing well? I have 2 questions 🥰 I went for my hosp...
Ticklytoes24 profile image

Alternative anti-inflammatories?

Hi everyone - I've been living with various conditions since I was 16 which got ...
NalaPuppy profile image

New here!

Hi everyone, I’m new here, I’ve just been diagnosed with “undifferentiated conne...
ZA31 profile image

Non-infection with Low-grade fever

Is it common for SLE Lupus patients to have a low-grade fever without an infecti...
UKMoss profile image

From little acorns

Trees usually grow but just one cosmos gave us all these blooms 😀
Hidden profile image

Discoid Lupus / Antihistamines?

Has anyone tried antihistamines for discoid lupus? The itchy circular rash that ...
KADM profile image

Living with Lupus and my Feet and legs are slowly changing colour.

I have been diagnosed with lupus and my feet and legs are slowly changing colour...
sthethela87 profile image

Swab test ??

I have a question if u don’t do your swab before a surgery will they cancel ?I w...
Mystik profile image

Hairy Biker

Hello everyone I thought we'd have a fun pic this week and couldnt resist this G...
misty14 profile image

my mental health taking a nosedive

This week I am struggling with my mental health and I am wondering if this is pa...