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All posts for September 2021


Thank you everyone who sent well wishes for my appointment on Wednesday! Wanted ...

Pinged by NHS!

I’m on a week’s break . First for over two years and still staying in Wales. Jus...
Bowenlady profile image

Chuckle 🤣

This post came up on my Facebook and gave me a right chuckle - it’s me all of th...
svfarmer profile image
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White patch on tongue

Well hello everyone 👋.I hope you are all as well as can be living alongside our...
Susieliz39 profile image

Lupus and COVID-19 Vaccination - UPDATED 03/09/2021 - Third Doses

Following new JCVI recommendations announced earlier this week, we have updated ...
Paul_Howard profile image

I will be running the London Marathon for LUPUS UK in ONE MONTH!

Hi everyone, Many of you will know that I had a place in the London Marathon 202...
Paul_Howard profile image

Interferon auto antibodies

Does anyone on here know anything about interferon antibodies? I read a study re...

Help with RA pain

I am in so much pain at the moment I am taking my predication and painkillers. I...
Panda91 profile image

Checking in on Kay!

Hi Kay hoping you are ok and with power after Ida hit. I am thinking of you. Xo...
Roarah profile image

So, l had a horrid reaction after my jab

This after waiting for what we assumed was a horrid flare to die down. Landed me...
OneLove2019 profile image

Antibody Test results

Evening everyone. How are you all? Hope you’re keeping safe and as well as you...
Froggie70 profile image

Auto Immune Protocol Diet, has anyone done this diet before?

Hi, has anyone with Lupus SLE tried the AIP diet and had any luck with their sym...

Covid booster jabs.

I have a patient access community group at my GPs and although I'm a member, due...
awareness75 profile image

Going on four days, thoughts and prayers appreciated

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I've seemed to narrow down the reoc...
JennaShi profile image