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All posts for April 2020

I wish I could take my entire body to the shop and request a refund!

Hi there I've been suffering from some very unusual symptoms - well, maybe not u...
Amakura profile image

Stupid question: since the government made a call for people to trial HCQ for anyone tracking SLE patients on it who have Covid?🤪

😖🥴😵...I know, I'm brain-fogged, of course they are.. ...and here is one surve...
eekt profile image

ACR guidelines for HCQ during COVID 19

From the American college of Rheumotology today addressing HCQ suggested guidel...
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Mycophenolate - sore throat

How sore should your throat be before you stop taking mycophenolate? Taken pain ...
Kelbol1 profile image

Hi all, hope yr all keeping safe. Just a quick question?

I had an email/text from the rheumatoid department asking not to attend any to a...
Teanna profile image

Methotrexate bloods

I've just had my monthly bloods taken, (my first time out of the house in 3 week...
eescvc profile image

Looking for advice x

Hello, I have SLE and take hydroxychloroquine and amitriptyline. Recently my s...
Jmcb123 profile image

Feeling scared

Dear all I’m sorry I usually try and post something positive but I’m feeling re...
Froggie70 profile image

Crawling sensation all over

Anyone else have crawling sensation / buzzing all over worse at night laying sti...
Buckley123 profile image

Covid 19 and work

Has anyone received the letter from GP asking them to isolate for 12 weeks I was...
biddy75 profile image

Hydroxychloroquine media request

Hi everyone, I've been contacted by a journalist for Associated Press who would ...
Paul_Howard profile image

Restless legs

Dear all, I seldom write on here, but I do read all your posts with interest and...
Greengirls profile image

COVID-19 and UK Hydroxychloroquine Supply (UPDATED 02/04/2020)

Hi everyone, We’ve just published updates to our article about the UK Hydroxychl...
Paul_Howard profile image

low white count, no one will provide a letter for work. Does my son need one? Any help please

Hi, Can anyone help my son please. I have Lupus etc but have retired son isolate...
johare profile image

A story for your children or share virtually with grandchildren

An appropriate story from our local village school:
Kevin53 profile image

Determined to get his nuts!

Caught this cheeky chappy trying his best to get to the nuts. Taken from inside ...
smudge1980 profile image

Had DLE 20 yrs stress induced attacks now 1 or 2 pa so unmedicated Q1 Does DLE add to Covid risk Q2 If contracted is impact heightened?

Underlying DLE unmedicated - COVID19 risks?
SAFC10 profile image

Very interesting.....
tree_shadow profile image

Newly diagnosed

Had call from gp on Monday, all tests came back saying lupus, but cant refer du...
Othello123 profile image

Self isolation

It’s like being an astronaut apart from the gravity!
Kevin53 profile image

It's only me

Just thought I would catch up with you all. Please Be careful out there! I was s...
just-typing profile image


I have Lupus and scleroderma and on 25mg methotrexate yet my doctor has said I a...

Lupus sufferer

I am 66 this year, I have systemic lupus, high blood pressure and rheumatoid art...
maryjanet profile image

US nurse with lupus

Interesting article about ppe and hcq shortages for those who need it most....
Roarah profile image

Just saw this om Twitter

Can we have more clarification of these "malaria drugs" that @michaelgove mentio...

We want to hear from our LUPUS UK members!

LUPUS UK would like to know why YOU joined as a member of LUPUS UK and how the c...
Chanpreet_Walia profile image

Lupus & Financial Support

Hi, I have received a letter from the NHS requesting me to shield due to Lupus. ...
ad_uk profile image

I’m just looking for the easy answer! 🙈 I have lupus. Take hydroxychloroquine. ...
Ronie23 profile image