Posts - LUPUS UK | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for March 2020

Is this what’s called staying home?

Some people have a strange idea of what staying at home and essential travel is....
Froggie70 profile image

Time of Corona Doodle 4

Keep to a routine!

For those with outdoor space Those without gardens but with su...
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For those of us with lung co-morbidities

One of the special treats of my UCTD is lung disease, which has been termed "int...
whisperit profile image

Morning, it is snowing 😲😲

Morning all, apologies, not been well for the past 48 hours, not covid 19 you wi...
Ieuann133 profile image


Plz It is possible to get dry eyes (red) while taking this medicine? Hydroxychlo...
Saralife profile image

Effects of Hydroxychloroquine on COVID 19

Since a number of members in this forum are using hydroxychloroquine, including ...
Krock1 profile image

Plaquenil, the new tests🤔🤔🤔 This company is looking for clinica...
thestorm profile image

Vulnerability letter from GP?

Hi Has anyone received this letter from GP, stating that you are vulnerable tha...
Cal66 profile image

Sing a long

Just been reading an article about songs being revived during the coronavirus pa...


I'm trying not to get stressed but I am! Pmt, isolation, silent treatment from b...
heda123 profile image


I have a question , can lupus uk please provide the government with the informat...
Willow1414 profile image

Wind in the Willows from the West End

This is still available for free (you can make a donation). From the West End wi...
Kevin53 profile image

smile for today

After reading kevin's post about his holiday behind the fridge I thought I would...
suzannah16 profile image

Black seed oil

Can anyone with lupus or hoshimotos give me info on black seed oil?
FlaFanny profile image

Lupus and Coronavirus

I know there has been lots of posts about Lupus and Coronavirus but I am still c...
Jolevans profile image

Makeshift medical need buildings

I put a post on here about the worries of having routine tests done amongst othe...
awareness75 profile image


Having a flare. Pretty sure it's the sun after none for months plus stress of wo...
Potatoheat profile image

Priority delivery slots

I just received an email from Sainsbury's saying that I've been identified for t...
jeanette60 profile image

All SLE ADVICE.. COVID-19. Needs to get information from government we all need protection Rheumatology advice specific to SLE needed

JOIN TOGETHER The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Government guidelines LUPUS UK ...
fabwheelie profile image

The clocks go forward in the UK tomorrow.

Hopefully by six months! Best wishes Kevin
Kevin53 profile image

Slight Abnormality of Pumping Chamber on Right side of Heart

Good evening all hope everyone are well and coping each day. It's hard to keep c...

Very confused🤔

Confused......... I have CLE /DLE and phoned the dermatology department today to...
Mayacat2 profile image

Skin Remedies SLE

Hi :) I have recently been diagnosed with SLE and i'm struggling with joint pain...
Tooshybug profile image

Blood tests concern

Im not very comfortable about having regular blood tests taken with this virus. ...
awareness75 profile image

On a Lighter Note...

A friend just sent these to me. Covid19 pickup lines. Hilarious!!
Hidden profile image

Advice please

Hello The paranoia has set in today and I need to ask some advice please. My A...
Froggie70 profile image

Time of Corona Doodle 3

Lets go explore!
tree_shadow profile image

Need help!

Hi I have lupus currently on Mycophenolate 1500mg twice daily and also take amlo...
Madmax6689 profile image

Work update: disgusting that I was allowed to go into the office and work, no offer to work from home like all the others!!!! Furlough leav

Well I’m not too upset now because I’ve accepted that I work for extremely selfi...
Lisalou19 profile image