Posts - LUPUS UK | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for October 2019

You know what no I’m sick of it 🤬

I’m sick of having to prove I’m sick Sick of explaining my symptoms over and ov...
Buckley123 profile image

Why can’t I be given steroids for suspected autoimmune disease such as lupus, Sjögrens or scleroderma when they work

Hi am seeing my rheumatologist next month in a desperate last ditch attempt to g...
Hidden profile image

Early detection of breast cancer

I had heard about thermography but unsure if it's available on the NHS yet. If ...
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Sunscreen and Travel Advice

Hi Everyone, I have SLE and I am due to go to the Caribbean for a week. Unfortun...
MsTMP profile image

Lupus and meal supplements.

Hi. Getting married next year and would like to get my general weight back to be...
awareness75 profile image

Finally, An Appointment:):):)

Hi all, I finally have my first new Neurologist appointment on Tuesday. I never ...
thestorm profile image

No posters on hospital walls??

I just had to tell you all about my upset today. 😖 I left a message on my Rheum...
Spotty-ewe profile image

Kidney questions

new to all of this and am unsure about some tests that were ordered recently for...
JennaShi profile image

Lupus,and cleansing

Hi guys, does anyone have any tips on face cleansers for lupus sufferers? My sis...
Marielena2 profile image

S.L.E. and hand itch and blistering

SLE for 70 years. Recent palm itch then big blisters formed. 6 weeks later it ha...
mentorscotus profile image

Lupus and shingles

Hi all, wow! It's been a while. Have any of you with lupus suffered with shingle...
Bronn profile image

Sometimes I struggle

Hi.thank you all that answered my helped me quite a bit. It hasn't be...
Tavares79 profile image

Blood Tests 🩸

Has anyone got, or can direct me to a complete list of bloods to be checked for ...

Corneal ulcer

I've just got back from the local minor injuries unit as I have what looks like ...
bleeny profile image

Government launches survey about rare disease

In July, the Minister for rare disease at the Department for Health and Social C...
Paul_Howard profile image

Lupus Anticoagulant - What and why?

Does anybody here know why this is tested for? I finally had some results from...
j7b7r6 profile image

Joint pain and rash

Hello evereybody, I have red rash on face for last 10 months. I visited few derm...
Vekiqf profile image

Bloated and full of wind 💨💨💨

Most likely too much information but I’m so bloated. I literally look like I’m ...
Lisalou19 profile image


Well last night my lupus nearly killed me and potentially others. I had a head o...
Rubylu profile image

Symptom Query

Hello all, I have heard that people with Lupus or autoimmune issues are more pr...

How are you all ❤️

Generally interested how you all are how’s life how’s coping ❤️
Buckley123 profile image

First cold since getting Lupus diagnosis.

I'm probably worrying over nothing but I have my first bad head cold since I was...

PIP Tribunal today

🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so nervous! I wasn’t...
Lupiknits profile image

Another funny one we can all relate to.

Hope I’m not annoying everyone, but I thought this said a lot about how we condu...
Hidden profile image

Plant-based diet

Anyone trying on a plant-based diet? Did you experience any changes with inflamm...
cgbe profile image

Do I get diagnosis- welsh NHS patient. Private or NHS ??

Do I get a diagnosis or not - if so NHS or Private. Problem is I live in Cardiff...
Smckntsh3 profile image

complement alternative pathways

At her recent appt at Guys Pooh bear was described by the prof as weird ( someth...

Rash on face

Morning lovely Lupies. Hope you are all ok on this cold morning? I was diagnosed...
Summerrain14 profile image

Can anyone recommend a paediatric rheumatologist in Home Counties/London?

Hello friends, my 15 year old niece is suffering from severe joint pain, muscle ...
Horsewhisper profile image

Usernames and pictures?

I’m sitting here feeling very disappointed that my new waterproof pants that arr...
Spotty-ewe profile image