Posts - LUPUS UK | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for September 2013

Hey , does anyone have Lupus and Von Willibrand's Disease out there

I was diagnosed with sle AND vwd - which is quite rare - and i havent met anyone...
Shinonz profile image

Arghh! my leg!

ive a new symptom, it is happening within my left hip, its a quick sharp stabbin...
caninecrazy profile image

Does anyone with Lupus get the shakes ?

steph1 profile image
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Does anyone get numb lips?

This a new symptom for me and is very unpleasant! They feel numb, tingly and sor...
joannebond360 profile image

Has any one been mistakenly diagnosed with Lymphoma? Or had swollen lymph nodes which were suspected could be Lymphoma?

I was recently diagnosed with Lymphoma after a biopsy of a swollen lymph node. I...
timmysmom profile image

hi does anyone get methotrexate injections?

Been on tablets 3 years now being sick and pains in middle of my back to my fron...
Kay1966-7-5 profile image

Hiya how is everyone doing and feeling

I feeling dreadful with awful cough n bad chest struggling to breath with it n ...
shakylove profile image

Housing woes any help or advise would be greatly appreciated

Hey guys I am having an awful time trying to get housed by the council after b...

Throbbing ears.

Several years ago, before being diagnosed with Lupus, I went to my GP as I had ...
river profile image

Anyone had trouble with infections in the gut, gallbladder and liver? Is it part of the sle.

I have been given a course of antibiotics and anti spasmodics to try and settle ...
crankyme profile image

very bad back pain

hiya everyone hope you all are coping with your illness i have had lupus for abo...
else5 profile image

Sheffield Lupus Group Meeting

Hi all :) This is a message for everyone that lives in the vicinity of Sheffiel...

Happy 1yr Lupus Anniversary to Me!

Well friday will be exactly a year since I was diagnosed with lupus. I saw my co...
jemmyjemjem profile image


My friend has Lupus. She was diagnosed with SLE and DLE when she was 21, she is...
Tibby3a profile image


hello everyone, as some of you know im having my worst flare ever, it begun in ...
caninecrazy profile image

Is anyone on plaquenil only? And is it controlling symptoms?

Hi everyone. Just wondered if anyone is on plaquenil alone for lupus? I am on 40...

Morning Everyone I get the shakes a lot mainly down my left side I notice it more when im tired or stressed , does anyone else get this.

steph1 profile image

Has anyone found getting a Blue Badge a problem

I am really struggling at the moment, my GP says I shouldn't be working, but I n...
angela7m profile image