Posts - Living Positively with Cerebral Palsy | HealthUnlocked

Living Positively with Cerebral Palsy

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Living Positively with Cerebral Palsy Update

Hi everyone, I have not blogged for 6 months which is not great. I'm still here!...
rcwallace21 profile image

New blog about living with Cerebral Palsy.

Hi everyone, I'm new to this community I found it via scope. I'm so glad there a...
Chellem90 profile image

Learning to swim the crawl

Hey - I have spastic diplegia. I swim five or six times a week (breaststroke). I...
Nuala12 profile image
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Richard Whitehead runs Britain
rcwallace21 profile image

Why is cp so hard to deal with?

l1cp0 profile image


Hey - Is there a T-shirt that says something like 'I'm disabled, not three? ". I...
ncmw12 profile image

Attitudes to CP historical and present day. Speaking for ourselves -Scope series.
rcwallace21 profile image

clothes shopping and cp.... not as simple as it should be!!!!

I decided to treat myself to some new outfits yesterday and as usual, got a bit ...
niceboots profile image

Stem Cells and Cerebral Palsy.

I was reading this article about stem cells and a 'cure' for CP. (I use the word...
rcwallace21 profile image
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