Severe headaches: Hello , I had a fall hit my head I... - Headway


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Severe headaches

Tula1276 profile image
16 Replies

Hello , I had a fall hit my head I had a minor concussion and a bleed the swelling has gone down but still gets headaches can be 2/3 in a day I get very tried with it . The doctor has put me on Zapain they are not helping trying to get back to the doctor can anyone recommend what tablets I can ask for.?

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Tula1276 profile image
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16 Replies
New_beginning profile image

Do you have any other sensations during headache, like vision, pins and needles, fatigue, sensory difficulties, balance, speech impairment, tinnitus, hearing worse, any temperature changes, do you check, . Hows your diet and fluid intake oh and sleep..

If any of the above inform GP when you get appointment.

Marnie22 profile image

Hi. You could call the Headway helpline on 0808 800 2244. They will be able to advise you. I hope things improve for you. 🌼

Tim_I_am profile image


I’m sorry to say I had a very severe fall, resulting in a bleed on my brain, swelling & seizures. It very nearly needed surgery that night. I had severe headaches for months and months afterwards & was also very sensitive to noise which made them worse.

It’s 10months off 5 years ago now… I’m counting down to reapplying for my hgv licence which I had to give up.

It could be worth noting that’s it’s maybe the zapain that’s causing the headaches, recently I’ve been taking zaps in and tramadol for severe back pain & ive been getting headaches that don’t seem to go.

Maybe it’s worth speaking to your dr to change the tablets, they will have a much better idea than anyone here.

I hope it gets better, take care.


Tula1276 profile image
Tula1276 in reply to Tim_I_am

Thank you I hope thing's goes OK for u too.x

Tula1276 profile image

Hello this happened this year in April, Did have a bit of memory loss speech problems I am very sensitive to noise & light and found my speech still takes me a bit longer to try and explain things . I have found the later the day goes the headache come on and a start feeling a little bit Nausea tried with it , has anyone found that there moods has changed? One minute I'm angry and the ever I'm upset it's driving me mad I feel very confused sometimes .🤔x

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Tula1276

Hello Tuala, this all sounds as if you have pretty normal post concussion symptoms (post concussion syndrome / PCS) headaches and all, I'm afraid. Ordinary painkillers don't make that much difference, as you seem to be finding out with the codeine and paracetamol ( Zapain) your doctor has prescribed.

It all depends whether you have post traumatic migraine, or headaches caused by the nerves in your neck after an injury, as to what will work best for you - and from experience, it is possible to have both going on at the same time. (Neck manipulation, and an antidepressant used for fibromyalgia pain ( Duloxetine) worked for my post concussion headaches - and I have since weaned off these without problems in December /January this year).

But most importantly, because you've basically had a traumatic brain injury or TBI, you now need to give your brain regular rest breaks, from noisy and busy environments, TV, screens, and reading, or even people talking, which will all make your headaches worse. This is best done by laying down somewhere quiet and dark for 10-15 minutes every hour - this time-out should help you to manage your headaches and other symptoms - and is probably the single most useful thing you can do for yourself to manage this, while you heal ( I very rarely get headaches now, and mine were 24/7 for a long time, so there is light at the end of this particular tunnel).

As Marnie says, do talk to the Headway helpline, and get some more information from them though.

It can be helpful to get referrals to the various head specialists - a neurologist specialising in TBI /MTBI being the first call on your list for other referrals.

How long ago did you have your fall?

Tula1276 profile image
Tula1276 in reply to Painting-girl

Thank you for your help . It happened on the 5th of April this year

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Tula1276

Oh dear, not very long ago then, poor you. What have the docs said to you so far?

Tula1276 profile image

Hello, just to rest, take zapain theres really nothing they can do wait it out .🤔but I got to work I am trying to get appointment to see the doctor again, but trying to get one its impossible .

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Tula1276

Oh dear Tuala, in some ways they are right, because some mild traumatic brain injuries do resolve on their own in a few months, but some either don't entirely, or just take longer. But you should still be able to see a doctor.

Your GP may be reluctant to give you stronger drugs for migraine prevention if you can get by on Zapain - but they do need to know that you aren't coping just on Zapain.

May I ask, how old you are, and what sort of work you do?

When did you last get to see your GP?

Particularly early on, it is very hard work to deal with appointments and getting through to the surgery.

Perhaps you could explain to the reception staff that you have "still got terrible headaches, which the Zapain isn't touching, and that you are very worried, and you don't know what to do".

When you do get an appointment, try and take someone else in with you, and write down a list of your symptoms in advance, because it's very easy to forget these in an appointment. I would also ask for a referral to a neurologist specialising in mild traumatic brain injury (it can be a long wait for a referral).

If that doesn't work, I would ring 111 and talk to them ( with your list) because being on the phone, they take a bit longer to find out what's going on, and can get you to ask your GP for an appointment too.

It might help you to talk all this over with the Headway helpline first on 0800 808 2244 - I found they gave me more confidence to talk to the GP.

Hope this helps 🌸

Tula1276 profile image

Ok thanku I will try that , I'm 44 & a lorry driver. But I'm in the office at the moment. I'm not driving anything (car or lorry) the last time I saw a doctor was 2nd of June.

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Tula1276

I think it's definitely worth going back to the GP then. Did they do any blood tests before? Good advice in the link from fifif I see. Definitely do a headache diary scoring your pain out of 10 (1 being nothing and 10 the worst ever pain) and saying how long it lasted, and what you think was the trigger. If you like phone apps, the Migraine Buddy app is free and great to show doctors how bad things are. Also handy to compare before and after on any meds - so start now!

fifif profile image

Latest info from Headway - saw it in their newsletter:

Runningpains profile image

As others have said, sounds like post-concussion syndrome which sadly there isn’t too much medical support for. I have had this since November last year and I still have regular headaches and am sad for very little reason.

Make sure you check in with your GP regularly so you can get support and they’re aware of the difficulties you may face. Taking regular breaks - especially from all light and technology- helps too.

Good luck on your recovery!

Painting-girl profile image
Painting-girl in reply to Runningpains

The thing is, there are interventions out there that can help, on headache, dizziness, and fatigue, because when I'd got as far as I coul more or less on my own, with gentle exercise on an elliptical (recommended by a neurologist) and a mindfulness course which a neuropsychologist recommended. But when my recovery had definitely stalled at the six months mark, I then got the second referral to a neurologist who specialised in post concussion issues, and I improved a great deal with his team approach (specialist physio, a neuropsychiatrist, and his psychologist).

The only thing is, that was all on my medical insurance with my company (and a fair old bit of my savings when the insurance cover stopped). I don't know how or if it's possible to get anything similar on the NHS though - except when my non concussion specialist neurologist was looking for another opinion for me, he discounted one neurologist he knew because he only took NHS cases, and my brilliant neuropsychologist works in the NHS on brain injury rehab - so I think the help is possibly out there in the NHS - but judging by the posts on here, jolly hard to find and access.

I know I only got as far as I am now by a few random bits of luck - and quite a struggle with the insurance company at times.

Tula1276 profile image

Thanku x

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