Doctors .....listening: Hi all I had a visit from my... - Headway


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Doctors .....listening

2 Replies

Hi all I had a visit from my doctor today, she came to check on me as she was concerned after I had recently had a seizure. It gave me the opportunity to have a chat with her about the frustration of supporting my partner and that he's still waiting for help. I spoke to her about my eating problem (told her about the great support from this forum). I tried to explain about not liking the smell and problems with taste. She was straight in claiming it would be down to emotions and a reaction to the emotional situations I have had to deal with (the word psychological was brought up) I hate this word its guaranteed to get my back up. I just feel its a cop out, I maybe frustrated, angry by my partners condition and my own, but I can deal with a hell of lot. was straight in explaining that if I see food on tv in a cafe anywhere I feel nothing, when I smell food it makes me feek sick. I cannot cope with large amounts of food, I said sweet things are over the top, and savory either has a bad taste or no taste at all. I don't know if she got it, but I think doctors need to open their minds more, not try and put you in a particular box, and learn to listen.

2 Replies

Food issues aside Angelfish28 in my experience almost 50 years to the day it's my opinion that GPs know so little about BI and its more subtle effects .

They either switch off after offering suspect advice or just can't be bothered; rarely did I get professional advice.

My first neurologist visit occured 2 years ago and given the passage of time it was laughable although I can thank my new GP for this, she is a caring person.

Did I want anti-convulsants, do I drink alcohol etc etc etc. The answers were No and Yes. Stopped taking mindbenders one year after being discharged from hospital and yes, I piss it up royally to try to deal with my depressions and loneliness when the fit takes me to do.

Then I was asked if I had a sex life and that was soon dropped when I asked her if she wanted to fill a 22 year gap of celibacy due to my wife's lack of interest; she quickly asked me if I drive. Given that I'm epileptic, which she knew, I just shook my head with contempt.

The only thing she couldn't give me an an suggestion of help about was the loneliness I constantly experience for 22 years out of 40 years. She did warn me about SUDEP and my reply was 'After 49 years, it doesn't need thinking about.' [I had to sign a paper saying I'd been warned after that] :)

So, demand a consultation elsewhere if something matters to you.

in reply to

Hi I totally understand where your coming from I've been either told a load of rubbish or dismissed, and its clear they're clueless. When I had my bi I went to an appointment with my neurologist and he said I know that your ill, we don't know the cause or the problem but we're going to discharge you. It was a joke he tried to claim I was low and had low confidence. I told him straight that that was rubbish If I felt that way then I'd be giving up and I wasn't prepared to do that. I then had to go back to my gp who was clueless what to do next, her idea of help was just keep prescribing different tablets without checking if they would react, and I ended up in hosp. I took it upon myself to find another four consultants each seemed to have missed the part of their training where they're told to listen to the patient as their the best people to tell you whats happening. They seemed to also have a real problem with actually looking at me, instead choosing to look down at my notes, which is just rude.

Im sorry that things have been so tough for you for so long and the affect it has had on you and your relationship. I wish you had received better support and care. That seems to be very few and far between for people these days.


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