So who watched 'Brain Hospital' tonight ? - Headway


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So who watched 'Brain Hospital' tonight ?

cat3 profile image
28 Replies

This isn't a documentary for the faint-hearted is it ? But once again I was on the edge of my nerves seeing the different procedures and waiting for the outcomes. I hope the programme will continue to feature the same survivors in follow-ups in the future.

I wonder how many here watched this latest edition and what effect it had.

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cat3 profile image
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28 Replies
iforget profile image

I keep forgetting to watch it (no big surprise there since I have the memory and attention span of a dead goldfish lol)...will set an alert to catch it fact better do that right now before I hit submit reply...else guess what...I'll forget ;)

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to iforget

It's horrid isn't it this memory failure. I only caught the programme myself after my son phoned to remind me. Don't miss it tomorrow though, it was 'edge of seat' stuff ! x

Negeen profile image

Do they have that show in the U.S. also???

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Negeen

I doubt it Negeen. It's filmed at an English hospital which specialises in head trauma and features the cases of people with a range of different brain conditions, beginning with some history, diagnosis, and showing graphic footage of their surgery. Finally it reveals the outcome and degree of success of the operation. What makes it so gripping is that the viewer is familiarised with the life & personality of each patient so a personal concern develops during the course of the programme. I'm usually an emotional wreck by the end. !

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to Negeen

if you go to

you may be able to stream it though I suspect they only accept uk IP adresses but its worth a punt.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to RogerCMerriman

Thanks Roger.........certainly worth a try. :-)

Negeen profile image
Negeen in reply to RogerCMerriman

Thanks, i'll try to see if it works.

Kirk5w7 profile image

Guess what Eileen, I forgot also, annoying thing is I went to bed and watched a CSI video instead, I must try the on demand thing on the tv tomorrow, good reason to try and work it! Now I'm wide awake and it's 6am xxxxxxx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Kirk5w7

Many of us don't pay as much attention to channel 5 listings & maybe that's why we miss certain gems like this.

It's been 'one of those nights' for me also Janet......might try to grab a couple of hours now though.

Just Google 5OD and choose a link which is clearly associated with channel 5 otherwise you might be invited to download stuff which is quite unnecessary. xx

philstretchdavis profile image

You are right about the listings for C5, I never look. But with me it's the same as the Michael Schumacher business, I just think he's going through the same procedures that I went through and he'll be alright. But it's more laziness now than apathy.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to philstretchdavis

For me, there's just something so admirable about the skills achieved to enable surgeons to perform these highly delicate operations. I find something almost heroic in their taking on such responsibility for these dangerous procedures. And I'm fascinated by the problem-solving aspect of surgery in each particular condition.

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to cat3

I set it to record watched last weeks one last night and i'll catch up as and when, I watch a lot of bbc stuff as I use iplayer on the ipad and stream it to the tv mostly.

facinating stuff, i've always been intrested in bodies and the brain.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to RogerCMerriman

Well It's odd but I've shied away from anything medical all my life. I'm not squeamish.......more of an intellectual fear of illness causing me to make that la- la- la sound with fingers in ears. But since the brain haemorrhage 2 years ago I've really toughened up and, like you, I now find anatomical issues fascinating............especially the brain a) because mine was repaired & I was spared and b) because of its complexity and the skill and knowledge required by these brilliant surgeons in order to navigate this fragile organ.

philstretchdavis profile image
philstretchdavis in reply to cat3

Yes, there is certainly a lot of admiration for the job they do and also for their own brains and intelligence. Throughout my life I've shied away from anything medicinal, I would never have the stomach for their procedures. I've recently received a new knee, and compared to the other one, my new one is the better. And when you begin to really think about the fiddly bits like tendons, all working perfectly well, so total respect.

ricozoe profile image

i watched it ,n cried all way through it,it was realy good ,i hope thy do a follow up ,hope things are ok fr you at this time ,

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to ricozoe

Yes it's pretty close to home for us, bringing back all kinds of emotions, but also gives us a really privileged view of surgery at its most complex.

Nice to see you ricozoe & hope you too are feeling ok at present. xx

thepiercy profile image

What a powerful programme. my heart goes out to those featured and their families. I do hope, though doubt, there will be some proper longer term follow up. It'd be interesting to see the upcoming battles with ATOS and continuing but slow progress

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to thepiercy

Absolutely. Maybe we could contact channel 5 collectively asking for a never know. But with regard to ATOS I'm not sure the production team would necessarily want to stray beyond the medical boundaries. It seems like it's a programme first & foremost about Walton hospital and the services it provides, using individuals only to illustrate those services.

But I agree, someone needs to highlight the irony of all this life-saving caring against the treatment of these same individuals by the state, out in the uncaring world.

Mick1971 profile image

This program really does show the side of brain surgery that I for one did not see when I had my Sah. It shows the technical side whereas in hospital I was focused on my unbelievable pain and fear that I counldnt have cared less about procedures, just glad that these remarkable people did! It shows what a great job and tough job they do.

I never really watch 'live' TV anymore as I just cannot remember when programmes I want to watch are on and keep missing them. I bought a roku Lt box and it has been worth its weight in gold, it has iPlayer,4od,5 on demand amongst other streaming channels so now if I want to watch TV it is always on catch up.

With regards to that nasty organisation - dare I say it 'ATOS' there time is comming to an end but the extreme suffering they have caused, for a lot of us will be one thing we cannot forget. I certainly will not forget my morning with them. I have been placed in the wrag group but have it in writing that I won't be sanctioned if I cannot make the appointments due to my ongoing health issues. I did ask for a mandatory reconsideration and found myself being called by this nasty woman who went through my whole assessment again on the phone until I broke down that is and just couldn't answer or understand her anymore. I suffered a whole day of confusion because of her. So now am too frightened to appeal because of the further damage it will cause me.

I find it hard considering I had worked hard and paid tax all my life until this - I have been lucky enough to have been able to and feel for those that haven't BTW.

Rant over lol it just annoys me :-)

Take care all

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Mick1971

No, you are right to rant Mick. It sounds like you're having a horrible time because of ignorant people who haven't a clue about the difficulties faced by those of us with brain issues. Have you asked Headway if they can offer you support with this ?

Mick1971 profile image
Mick1971 in reply to cat3

Hi again Cat, hope you are well. To be honest I cannot be bothered to go through it all again. I do feel that I am unemployable at the moment though but because I asked for the reconsideration, I have it in writing that I will not get sanctioned if I cannot make the appointments. The other problem is because I paid my taxes and NI I am on contributions based so don't get help with my prescriptions (all 12 on repeat luckily I only need 6 of them every month) or dental care either.

But life goes on eh :-)

This is the problem with living with the after effects is that life is made even more difficult by these people when all I want to do is recover if that's ever going to happen!

Thank you for your suggestion though.

Mick x

celtic27465 profile image

Hi at cat it tried to watch it but when they talked about the girl with the Sah I stopped watching it as they were talking about how it happened ! My neuro wasn't sure but thought there was a collection of abnormal blood vessels at the top of my brain I freaked out I know everyone's condition is different and if there's was a problem they would have done something by now ! Won't be watching it again !

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to celtic27465

I'm sorry you were upset by the programme celtic, but, as you said yourself, everyone is different so please don't go making comparisons, it really doesn't work that way.

But I do understand that many people find this type of programme provides just too much information and, for them, it's probably best avoided.

Love Cat x


cat3 profile image

Yes Zeblet, I was thinking very much along the same lines. But she was such a little fighter wasn't she........I'm sure she'll reach the top of her game. I just hope these people are revisited at a later date; it would be interesting to see their levels of progress.

But that particular young lady also has youth on her side which gives her quite a head-start. (no pun intended). xx

celtic27465 profile image

Thank you cat I will bear that in mind

iforget profile image

I set an alert (yay!) but when it went off I switched it off...without moving to the tv immediately and so of course I forgot that the alert had gone off and I missed all but the last ten minutes...caught the last ten minutes because I walked past a tv and switched it on to see what was showing...bah! Things I should set them to record...

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to iforget

You can still catch it on 5OD. I watch lots of missed programmes on catchup on my laptop. It's definitely worth of the best episodes in my opinion but, once again, you'll need a strong stomach !

Hope you're doing OK iforget. xx

Meant to set an alert for when? Was it repeated ?

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