After a year, guilty plead. Suspended sentence. - Headway


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After a year, guilty plead. Suspended sentence.

julieljs profile image
11 Replies

Feeling very angry this week, after attending the sentencing on Tuesday. The lady who caused 2 of my children to sustain brain injuries after dangerous driving walked away from court with a 15 month suspended sentence. It is over a year since the accident, and taken this long even to plead guilty. This last year has been horrendous, both children struggling in different ways, Jack physically, recovering now from recent surgery and Sophie with difficulties at school and behavior. Also the break up of my long term relationship with the added pressures that came our way.

All I can do now is try and rebuild there lifes, to the best quality possible, because they deserve the best. xx

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julieljs profile image
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11 Replies
brighton88 profile image

all I can say is that my thoughts are with you

Nks425 profile image

So sorry you have had to go thru this. My prayers are with you and your family!

bikerlifestyle profile image

disgraceful a suspended sentence is just wrong

sorry about your relationship too,

at least one part is over with even if not satisfactory as you said its time to rebuild lives

Difficult to know what to say but, remember you need looking after too :)

Take care

vimto profile image

My thoughts are with you and your family at this very difficult time .I echo the thoughts of everyone else . The mind less Careless actions of this person is shocking and i can see why your are so very ANGRY . No justice for jack sophie and now you all have got to deal with a constant battle to get some sort of life back .

cat3 profile image

Hi Julie. LeslieDilks is right......after the ordeal of the past year and now being alone with three children, I seriously hope you have support for yourself and someone to turn to for respite now and again. Sorry you've all had such an overwhelming can be so unfair............

I hope you will gradually rebuild new lives for you and your family, and that the love between you will help to heal some of the hurt..........and that happier times are ahead.

Love, Cat xx

pollyanne profile image

Hi Julie you have my total sympathy and after going through the same court ordeal when the drunk driver who injured my husband was tried, even if she had got a custodial sentence she would have only served a third of it. The only consolation is that she has to live with this for the rest of her life and for any one with an ounce of compassion that will not be an easy burden to bear! I really hope and pray things get better for you all x

BaronC profile image

Needless to say, my thoughts are with you. It seems a common thread with brain injury that there is always one reason or another for the anger to build. nothing ever seems to run smoothly, or just 'drop into place'.

But, you WILL get through this, we all do. We have to. Keep fighting, keep striving.


Ulysses profile image

This is awful for you, but it was never something you could control. It has been a drain on your energy when you couldn't affect the outcome.

The lesson for me here is to focus my emotional energy on things I can control, and breathe out about the things I can't. Whatever happened in the court room would make no difference to what you need to do now - as you say: rebuild your childrens' lives.

julieljs profile image

Thanks everyone for your messages. This last week since the sentencing has been 6 steps backwards, feeling very angry, bitter and lots of tears. Been told to put that part behind me and try and reform our life's, unfortunately i don't feel i can do that at this early stage. With it being dangerous driving, that makes me feel if could off being prevented, if it had been on medical grounds, then nothing could of being done, which might of made it slightly easier. Not sure if im ever going to feel any different. Life is so cruel, unfair and feeling very emotional about life.

cat3 profile image

I don't suppose you'll ever feel different about the injustices of Jack and Sophie's injuries and the court's judgement but it's just a fact that time Does heal and all things eventually lose their a point where they become bearable and you start to find space in your mind for other stuff.........

After what you've all been through this last year you deserve some peace and calm, and so do your three kids. Don't deprive yourself, and them, the opportunity for better days by hanging on to your anger.

The medics fought for your children's survival and, despite residual problems, they did survive. Try to plan ahead to Christmas day when you can all sit around the tree and just 'be'.

I really feel for you Julie and hope you'll find solace somehow.

Cat xx

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