Is there effective medication for thunderclap head... - Headway


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Is there effective medication for thunderclap headaches?

4 Replies
4 Replies
headwayuk profile image

Hi wolfie2dogs,

Thank you for your post, and apologies for the delay getting back to you.

As you know, Thunderclap headache (TCH) refers to an unbearable headache of instant onset—as sudden and as unexpected as a “clap of thunder”.

Presently there is no specific treatment recommended other than simple analgesics (eg Paracetamol, Ibuprofen), providing there are no other underlying causes.

You may find it useful to talk to other people who experience painful headaches. You could ask the GP if there are any support groups in your area to learn how other people cope with their headache pain and discomfort.

The organisation Ouch may be some use. They have information on various types of headaches at

This is a link for a patient information sheet for:- ‘Relaxation Exercises for Headache and other Muscle Tension’:


I'm sure you've done this, but speak to your GP about any possible treatments for this. They may be able to look into other options, and in some cases can refer to headache clinics run by neurologists etc.

I hope this helps a little - and please do post again if you would like to discuss this further.

Best wishes,


Dear Headway,

Thank your for your response to my post. My husband contracted encephalitis over 20 years ago and made a remarkable recovery. One of the sequele is severe sudden onset headaches. Over the years these have been discussed with our GP and the neurologists but the headaches have never been managed successfully. When they are at their very worst OTC analgesia just doesn't touch the headaches. My husband vomits, so keeping medication in his system long enough for it to have any effect, is difficult. I have taken my husband to A & E where morphine has been administered.

I only came across the term TCH since I have been a member of this forum. I conducted some research and it sounds very close to my husband's worst headaches.

GP and neurologists are quite dismissive of the headaches - 'everyone gets headaches' I get the feeling that the Doctors don't appreciate the severity level of the pain and how debilitating they can be. It can take several days to recover from the headache. It makes it very difficult to plan anything, due to the sudden onset of the headaches. Friends and family find it difficult to understand, so our social life has been effected.

We have never been referred to a headache clinic or signposted to any support groups. The OTC medication Syndol was effective but this is no longer available, not even on prescription. We asked the GP if they could prescribe something similar, but the response was 'No'. At the recent consultation at the neurology clinic, the neurologist asked me if Syndol was available on the internet!?! I would NEVER purchase medication via the internet; you just don't know what you are buying. The neurologist has now prescribed a combination of medication as a close match to Syndol. Ironically my husband has not had a severe headache since. :) Someone once suggested that cranial osteopathy could help.

Thank you for the links. I will take a look at the information. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It is much appreciated.

headwayuk profile image


Thank you for your reply - it certainly does sound like you have tried a wide range of options there. Your husband is obviously really suffering with these headaches and as you say, it's difficult to get the professionals to appreciate how much this is affecting him and yourself.

Can I suggest you give our helpline a call at some point, and ask to speak to one of the nurses? There is no guarantee they can help, but they can certainly discuss things thoroughly with you and see if there is any help we can give.

You can get in touch on 0808 800 2244.

It is very interesting to hear they've perhaps controlled the headaches with the new medication - do let us know how that goes?

Best wishes,


in reply to headwayuk

Thank you for your advice and support. I will give the helpline a call. Interesting that my husband hasn't had a severe headache since he collected the prescription. If we had have know it was that easy......! :) Maybe it's the reassurance of knowing there is something which may help, just in case.

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