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Different Strokes

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Do you have Atrial Fibrillation and live in Leeds?

My name is Emily, I'm a pharmacist working in Leeds supporting doctors surgeries...

Extreme pain after leg cramp...

Hi, I am 10 years post stroke, been able to walk with an ankle brace as I have d...
Suzyque profile image

After effects

Hi all. Rob here. I had my stroke 22 May this year. Right side dead. Leg an arm....
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HiyaEVERY-ONE IM BOBW. Have had a bereavement,2 strokes,and now seeing someone s...
bobw profile image

Newly diagnosed TIA

Hi people, I'm terrified about my recent TIA, got changes to meds and an appt in...
AdrianHH profile image


Hi.....I am 58 years old and suffered a massive stroke, decompression of the bra...


hi, just joined so i could help others with long term conditions, from strokes, ...
aurei profile image

Feeling scared again

Hi. I had an episode in April where I woke up in the morning feeling very dizzy...
Lwarriner profile image

A newbie, but fellow sufferer!

Hello one and all! I was involved in a near fatal RTC in 2009. A young drunk dri...
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