Health Care Act: The Senate is working to... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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Health Care Act

12 Replies

The Senate is working to pass a health care bill that would seriously negatively affect countless Americans living with Parkinson's disease (PD), especially older individuals and those who rely on Medicaid. The vote is expected in the coming weeks. Contact your senators today and tell them to vote "no."

Michael J. Fox

12 Replies
Xenos profile image

In any civilized country, healthcare should be a human right, and not a privilege.

It works that way in many occidental countries, including mine.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply to Xenos

It is a UNIVERSAL right available to ALL - always has been, always will be (except for those who expect others to pay for their care).

grower profile image

I do feel for you Americans. Here in New Zealand the socialized medicine still has its problems ( needs more funding) but sure beats having to buy insurance!

ddmagee1 profile image

It's unfortunate that the lawmaker, here in the USA, just don't get it! My wife has a pre-existing condition and her premiums and health care costs have gone through the roof. Now I , with PD, may be facing the same thing.

The best results is when the 2 parties come together and work it out. I am sick of all this obstruction.

alexask profile image

If you read Karl Denninger's countless posts on the US healthcare system - it is absolutely outrageous. The main issue is that you guys pay vastly more for your drugs than you need to - because medical monopolies are allowed and imported drugs are illegal.

Xenos profile image
Xenos in reply to alexask

There are drugs that are 25 times more expensive in the US than in Europe...

I can't find a better analogy for the Health Care debacle. Got to laugh or cry.

Take off the Party Glasses and fix this thing.

KemptonD profile image

At the prompting of the MJF organization I wrote my senator expressing my opinion. I've been contacting my representatives frequently lately.

Beckey profile image
Beckey in reply to KemptonD

Me too

Beckey profile image

To say nothing of the millions of dollars in research funding being slashed.

grannma profile image

Michael, my husband, as yourself, has PD! He has had it for 27 years. Interestingly, I don't see the Health CarecAct (that has not been accepted) as a threat as you project! I guess we can all be affected by PD and politics!!!

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