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Cure Arthritis Community

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All posts for December 2016

13 Bite-Size Thoughts for Autoimmuners -- Newly Diagnosed (or Not)

. 13 Bite-Size Thoughts for Autoimmuners -- Newly Diagnosed (or Not) . Originall...
Kai-- profile image

Enbrel-seeking advice

I just started on Enbrel injections a little over a week ago. My first injection...
dwallenburg profile image

Methotrexate side effects - Don't share because they are scary, RA patients will discontinue the medicine after knowing them.

I joined the local RA support group physically and in FB few months ago. I hope...
Amy_Lee profile image
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Could Gum Disease Cause Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Just read this interesting article which may be of interest to us, the RA patien...
Amy_Lee profile image

Happy Holidays!

Just wanted to wish all of my supportive friends here a Merry Christmas and I ho...
wsjkcj1 profile image

Red eyes

Hello fellow RA friends: I was just recently diagnosed with sever RA after 3 mon...
angela1b profile image

RA and dealing with colds and flu

Hi just a question I have had RA a little over one year.And high blood pressure ...
blackpula profile image

Still Searching for a sense of normalcy.

Diagnosed with RA, Fibro, OA in 2010 and I am still in search of a protacal that...
Barbgalvin profile image

methatrexate injections

I was switched 2 weeks ago from methatrexate pills. 15mg once a week, to the mtx...

To Medicate or Not

Diagnosed in 2009 with Sjogrens. Took Restasis for 6 years. Allergic reaction ph...
Hidden profile image

Leflunomide Issues

So I was on mtx and it caused palpitations, Rheumy switched to Leflunomide (Arav...
sunshinebc79 profile image

Seronegative RA - RF and CCP markers negative

Great information that I have been looking for.... Hopefully I will soon be free...
Amy_Lee profile image

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