Posts - Living with a Stoma | HealthUnlocked

Living with a Stoma

1,019 members259 posts

All posts for July 2018

Looking for a new appliance

I'm really sorry to everyone who is having issues. I am on my 3rd stomach surge...

Price of bags outragous

Anyone else think these companies are totally scamming all the poor pasties out ...
Chopper4351 profile image

How much mucus is too much? I have palm sized mucus out my rectum daily

Mucus out rectum
Smiles111 profile image
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twisted boewls!

Hi everyone can anyone get twited bowels again after having aoperation to get ri...
raqmc profile image

How to remove mucose out of rectum

Tried enemas and suppositories. Not mocus out. To much pain please help
Begaviria1 profile image

Begaviria1 living with pain

Thank you for let me be part of the community. I have suffered from back pain fo...

Help with mocus in my anus

Need help with hard ball of mucos in my anus. No enemas or suppositories have wo...
Begaviria1 profile image

Can't removed mucos out of my anus after 6 months of having a colonostomy. Very painful

I can't removed mucos of my anus. Very painful. Doesn't come out with enemas

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