Posts - Cloudy with a Chance of Pain | HealthUnlocked

Cloudy with a Chance of Pain

1,506 members162 posts

All posts for November 2016

Back consultant

I had a visit to the doctor yesterday. I mentions the back consultant word. My G...
Hidden profile image

Back mobiliser

Does anyone have any experience with the 'back in action' mobiliser bed as on ht...
Heppie profile image

ESA Support Group- what does it mean and is it a positive thing?

Hi All, After years of heartache and being told I am fit for work. I got told t...
f1bR0Ru3 profile image
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What to buy OH for Christmas

As Christmas is looming again I thought I'd tell you how to bring back that chil...
ShellyC23 profile image

Why did the assessment centre keep me waiting so long??? And why did they start my spasms off???

I went for an assessment centre meeting last Tuesday and as my appointment was 1...
f1bR0Ru3 profile image

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