Hiya all. I have hypotension, and concentric hypotrophy reaching 18mm thickening. 2.5 bisoprolol and 5mg of Ramipril.
Heart rate dropped between 55-65 resting. Blood pressure just fluctuates 135-85 maximum. Any advice.
Hiya all. I have hypotension, and concentric hypotrophy reaching 18mm thickening. 2.5 bisoprolol and 5mg of Ramipril.
Heart rate dropped between 55-65 resting. Blood pressure just fluctuates 135-85 maximum. Any advice.
Good morning Tony95. I am not a doctor but from what I have been told in the past by medical professionals your b.p is within the acceptable levels..Just ring and have a telephone consultation with your doctor if you are worrying too much about it. Brian
Always best to contact your GP but maybe look at your diet and exercise? BHF website has plenty of advice. Good luck