Bisoprolol?: I've posted the following... - British Heart Fou...

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PteW43 profile image
68 Replies

I've posted the following somewhere on here but can't find it now!

On 2nd month of Bisoprolol and the tiredness is getting me down.

I can hardly get out of bed, even for food!

I've gone from a busy bee to a lazy bones.

Has anyone else felt like this taking this med & if so were you changed to another med?

Will give it another week than I'll make appt with Dr.

This certainly isn't living.

Appreciate any & all advice.

Thank you.

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PteW43 profile image
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68 Replies

Hello :-)

I am on this med and yes it does make you feel this way I have now been on it about 19 months and at the start it was worse but persevering with it eventually it has got better not perfect but better and because this is the one tablet my Surgeon was not budging on changing I have stuck in with it knowing it must be needed and she does not want to change me to anything different

But we are all different so as you say give it another week or so and then talk with your Doctor and see what they say your circumstances maybe that they can change you to another one

Let s know how you get on :-) x

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to

Hi - Thank you for your reply BeKind I will make an appt and have a chat about it. This is the only tablet I take until I get a flare up of copd! So, I am assuming this total tiredness is due to the start of taking it. But, it may not be. Having read other messages now though it does seem it is a side effect of this drug.

Will come back & let u all know how I get on.... if I can find you all 😄🤞

in reply to PteW43

Hello :-)

Good Luck I hope you manage to get it sorted :-) x

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to

Thank you take care 😊 x

in reply to PteW43

:-) x

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Your last post re Bisoprolol was on the Lung Conditions forum. Find it here:

I've been on bisoprolol for a few months now and will be interested in the replies you get.


PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Oh what am I like Jean lol I didn't check were I was posting! On my patient access online Dr wrote he thought my 109 pulse rate after ECG results was more due to stress 'than Isschmic'.

I haven't been referred to a cardiologist just given a prescription for Bisoprolol. Only med I took b4 this was SeeBri inhaler once a day for COPD.


I take 2.5mg twice a day with no side effects that I can tie down to it.

But we are all different and you maybe sensitive to this { or other drug } you need to report it to your Dr.

I certainly have not heard anyone bed bound because of this amazing drug, there will be an alternative for you, because at the moment your quality of life is very poor.

Take care

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to

Hi Blue - Thank you for your reply. Yes I will get it checked out, perhaps I'm not giving it time. Perhaps, it may be something else like lack of iron, anemic ? 👍

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to PteW43

Forgot to say Blue I'm only on a low dose 1.25mg.

in reply to PteW43

I really hope they get it sorted for you, so you can live your best life

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to

Thank you Blue take care x

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply to

I took the same dose and can not trace any ill effects. However we are all different as Blue says so worth seeing if there is an alternative or if the root cause of your malaise is unrelated.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to devonian186

Thank you take care 😊 x

Hrty profile image

I was on 1.25mg following my HA last November. Was absolutely whacked on it and my HR was dropping into the low 30s. Stuck it for 3 months until a last week when I got in touch with cardiologist and saw him last wednesday. He stopped it, felt a bit odd for a few days but it's settled down and I feel so much better with loads more oomph. No more cold feet as well

PteW43 profile image

Oh Hrty I had cold hands & feet b4 this med but now they feel as if I've stuck them in freezer for 10 mins 😄 but least of my concerns.I just haven't got any 'oomph' it's got up n gone! I understand HR should be between 60 - 100 & mine was 109 my BP wasn't high I've never had high bp.. But, reason I went to Dr in first place was pains in my chest. Had ECG this stated Arrhythmia & Sinus Tachycardia was on results. Talk about shock 🙄 it was enough to give me a HA!

As I said in above answers Dr thinks its stress related!

Thank you all very much for your info & advice.

Tell me though, it seems nearly every one mentions seeing ' their cardiologist, wonder if I should have been sent to one?

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to PteW43

I was diagnosed with sinus tachy in 2019 during a pregnancy. Im on 2.5mg bisoprolol and have been since 2019. I was very tired at 1st but honestly it took around 3 months to settle. Now I dont even notice I've taken it.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to DanniC88

I'll have a chat with Dr but over all plenty of sound advice coming from people on this site that are using this drug. Thank you. 👍

Hrty profile image
Hrty in reply to PteW43

After the HA the cardiogist came to see me in the ward and asked if I was interested in signing up for the trial into Dapag....(I can't spell it). I agreed and he did say they'd keep a close eye on me during it. Seen him 3 times now since November and have another review in April. There is some overlap with rehab as he'd be the same guy seeing me for that. My resting heart rate was pretty good pre-ha. I was pretty fit in that I swam regularly but had chunked up a but during "the illness we can't mention" and all the associated lockdowns. I don't think BBs suit me. I was on atenlolol many years ago and that had the same effect, HR down i to 30s and wiped out. We are all different but definitely talking to the professionals when experiencing unwanted side effects.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Hrty

Thank you so much for sharing that Hrty. Wishing you well. 👍

56dick19 profile image

hi I’m on 10mg and get tired very quickly and have to have a sleep in the afternoons Iv now been on it for about 7 years

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to 56dick19

Think if they put me on 10mg I'd be asleep day & night!Perhaps though, I may get use to it. In fact today I've done a ton of housework 😊

How if I feel all in 2 moro I'll just take it easy. I'm gonna have to learn to take a chill pill. Thank you. 👍

56dick19 profile image
56dick19 in reply to PteW43

I was on 12.5 for a long time but it wasn’t keeping my heart under control so I have had to go on amiodarone which is worse it has effected my skin and eyes

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to 56dick19

So sorry to hear that you take care & thank you. 🙏 x

Breesha profile image

Poor Bisopropol, seems to get such bad press, but for me it’s a life saver, I have had 10 or 12.5 gms for over 10 years , I wish it made me sleepy ….my main problem is long term use makes skin photosensitive, so our holidays in Florida are now, no more .

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Breesha

To be honest Breesha it's probably a 'life saver' for most of us. The pain in my chest wasn't to gr8 either! Hope you are still managing to get away somewhere nice. Thank you.👍

Jm2022 profile image

Hi PteW43, I have been on bisoprolol since last September and also feel exhausted most of the time and have put on nearly a stone, not sure if this is also a side effect? Have made an appointment to have a word with G.P. As mentioned before, medication works differently on us, just need to find the ones that work best with the least side effects. Hope you get it sorted.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Jm2022

That's true we all react differently it's a case of trial & error. I think I read something about weight gain too! 🙄😒Happy times these aren't they lol but seriously I only have to think about the people in Ukraine, Turkey etc & I soon pull myself up & thank God for the help I get.

Thank you 👍

AShaw profile image

I was prescribed this along with other stuff. Started at 10mg gradually down to 1.5mg. As you say the weariness was intolerable. I explained to cardiologist and told him my heart rate was down to 35. He advised I stop it for 2 weeks and monitor heart rate. My hr doesn’t usually go higher than low 70s usually stay in the 60s. After 2 weeks he advised to permanently stop it. It’s great to feel relatively normal. It wasn’t deemed necessary to replace it with anything else. I take trandolopril 1mg, Ranexa 500mg x 2, clopidogril 75mg and eplenerone 10mg.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to AShaw

My HR was 109 never had high BP. On Bisoprolol my hr when I'm resting now is down to 78 - 81. B4 this med at rest it was around 94/5I have COPD since 2005 & manage it well enough but obviously do get the dreaded flare ups. 🙄

Yes, I can understand you being taken off this med if your HR dropping maybe to low. To have a nice steady HR like u have now u didn't really need Bisoprolol.

Thank you 😊

Silvertail profile image

I felt like that at first, and dizzy, but now apart from tiredness at times, I am OK. Just took a while to get used to it.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Silvertail

Haven't felt dizzy Silvertail but I've never known such a feeling of weakness & so much sleeping! 😞 Hopefully my heart will settle back into its normal rhythm when my stress levels reduce or my body accepts this med. Thank you👍

Hephzibar profile image

I have been on it - 1.25mg, since early Jan and feel more tired than ever! Tiredness always been a problem, but sometimes atm it just comes over in waves - i can be busy in the morning and then the afternoon is a washout! Spoke to practice nurse who said to give it a bit longer. I was put on it after a visit to A&E with a typical chest pains and tachycardia. Nothing found so I think the general consensus is that it go tachycardic quite quickly but given Bisoprolol to calm my heart down……. which it has!

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Hephzibar

Your symptoms are very much the same as mine Hephzibsr for being put on Bisoprolol & same strength 1.25mg. Sinus Tachycardia on my patient access notes after ECG & Dr thinks its more likely due to 'stress than Isschmic' Have to wait & see. I do mindfulness b4 I get out of bed (15mins) & listen to it going to sleep. I started this last year to 'try' & de-stress. It does help especially the deep breathing exercises. Thank you 👍

intheweeds profile image

hi, I was on bisoprolol 1.25 also, for my intermittent AFib. It made me tired but the main problem was that slowed my HR right down to 30s, so I had to come off it. Now I use it as a back up in case I need it for another AFib episode.

I guess it’s so efficient which is why it’s prescribed. I hope you eventually feel better on it, as at least it’s keeping your heart working better. Without it I feel a bit a risk!

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to intheweeds

That was a dangerous level ITW but glad it comes in handy for you when you do need it most, amazing med! I will have to try & give it a chance maybe this tiredness will subside.

Thank you for your good wishes much appreciated. I hope you stay well too. 👍

Engineer46 profile image

As your doctor noted, your slightly elevated heart rate could have been due to anxiety, aka "white coat syndrome ", which many suffer from in a clinical environment.

Try taking your pulse first thing in the morning before getting out of bed, because you need to establish your resting heart rate.

A 1.25 mg dose of Bisoprolol would usually only reduce resting heart rate by 5-10 bpm, so perhaps your unmedicated resting heart rate is naturally low. Talk to your GP when you have some resting heart rate data.

Best wishes


PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Engineer46

Hi Paul Thank you so much for this info. I'm will definitely do as u suggested. As I said in one of the above answers, my Dr's notes on my patient access site after results from ECG read he felt it was more stress causing me problems than Isschmic!But, I had gone to him with chest pain so I suppose he was airing on the side of caution as my pulse rate was over the 100 mark.

That's very interesting info 1.25mg only reduces the heart rate by 5 - 10 beats per min....WOW!

I have an Oxsimeter I use if I think I may be getting a flare up of COPD re oxygen levels.

Now considering I'm on this Bisoprolol at the mo & I've been resting in bed now for over 2hrs (answering all these thoughtful comments) I've taken an Oxsimeter reading & it's showing Oxygen 96 & heart rate 77.

So I should take this reading b4 I get out of bed ey morning (well probably 'drag' myself out of bed more appropriate 😅) for a wk or so? Have I got that right? Then present it to Dr?

Thank you will do👍

TheBoys profile image

hi there

I’ve been on it now since October and I’ve gotten used to it.

The cold weather was an issue at the start with my getting breathless at times being frightening so started wearing a scarf or snood round my mouth which helped massively.

The Drs would not listen to me that 5mg was too much as was literally laying in bed all day asleep with a scaringly low pulse rate at night and slow breathing so decided to split it myself and seem to have gotten used to it with decent readings for blood pressure and pulse at 2.5mg

What strength are you on? Have you talked it over with your Dr?


PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to TheBoys

Hi Paul - In the really cold weather I have to cover my mouth & nose with a scarf to as the cold can kick start a copd flare up. It's a problem really as I can't breath properly but better with a scarf than a mask.

As you have found out by yourself Paul we lay patients may not know all the medical jargon or the reasons for taking one med over another. We have to learn as we go along but WE KNOW our own bodies.

So pleased all your readings are ok & you r now comfortable & safe taking your reduced med.

I'm on 1.25mg. Thank you 👍

Goldiocks profile image

Hi Been on this drug since Sept 22 HA. I had similar symptoms of tiredness so went to GP around December 22. He told me to change to take it at night. Since then I have slept well and feel much better in the day time. Hope this is of some help to you.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Goldiocks

I was told to take in a morning but perhaps taking at night may be interesting to try out. Will leave until this 2nd months course is nearing an end & if this tiredness isn't lifting will c Dr . I will want to show the Dr the data I am going to collect re 1st Paul's suggestion above about taking my HR first thing in morn and get his opinion.

Will also ask about taking at night time if things don't change. Thank you 👍

Puzzled8 profile image

Hi, I was on 2.5mg Bisoprolol for tachycardia. It wasn’t very effective so GP increased to 5mg. I immediately felt similar to you, though maybe not quite so bad. My body felt like a lead weight and I was dragging myself around. I persevered for a few weeks before GP changed to Diltiazem. I haven’t noticed any side effects on this and my heart rate has come down a bit. As others say, we’re all different in how we react to medication. Hope you find what’s right for you.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Puzzled8

Apparently PuzzledB I'm on the lowest dose. As I said above I'd probably be bed bound if my dose was any higher 🙄😊Will take note of that med you are on & see if anyone else mentions. Thank you 👍

H-ar4row profile image

I have been on 5 mg a day for years, and still think the tiredness is sometimes unliveable with. Have you tried taking it at night? The worst effects may be when you are hopefully asleep?

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to H-ar4row

I'm only on 1.25mg H probably never wake up again if I was on anything higher 😄🙄Sorry, shouldn't be flippant whacky sense of humour lol.

It has been suggested to take at night so will see what Dr says in nx months chat.

Thank you 👍

jerry12953 profile image

I should INSIST that your medication is changed. Bisoprolol is widely prescribed because it is cheap but so many people have side effects. I believe there are alternatives.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to jerry12953

I have heard the same Jerry from my friend's sister who works at a pharmacy. Gonna see how I go over nx month then see Dr.

Thank you 👍

Cricket23 profile image

I was on Bisoprolol (5mg), and it made me feel tired especially in the afternoons I’ve changed to Sotalol and things are so much better.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Cricket23

Will keep that med in mind Cricket. There are quite a few of us in all the replies I've had on this drug Bisoprolol who are having this side effect of tiredness.

It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one....

Better than being told by one person on here that maybe it's

'A state of mind'

Suggested I could 'Volunteer at a charity shop' or 'take a walk' or

'Join a chat line if I'm lonely' to

'Enjoy my life more'. 😡

Thank you 👍

Cricket23 profile image
Cricket23 in reply to PteW43

All the best with your journey. When I was take Bisoprolol I did quite a bit of research and it does seem that loads of people find that it makes them tired. I guess people rarely post anything if they feel on top of the world taking this drug, but to deny the side-effects seems just wrong given the evidence. Regards, C23

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Cricket23

It has it's place no doubt C23 & thank goodness for that. Maybe, not for me, will see!

Thank you, keep well. 😊👍x

JaninS profile image

I found that the side effect- tiredness- lasted over 2 months. Now ( after several years) it is still a nuisance but predictable. I take the meds at breakfast time, and tiredness kicks in around lunchtime. A quick cat nap of 20-30mins in the arm chair, amd I can carry on my day. I do get up later in the mornings too, but going to bed earlier never seemed to help. These days I dont try to do 3 things in a day but limit myself to 2. That's tolerable for me if its keeping me going. I take the bisoprolol cos of angina by the way. I have found side effects always last longer than they predict but have usually subsided after a couple of months. whatever the meds.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to JaninS

Oh well here's hoping my tiredness will be reduced in another month Janin5. I'm full of good intentions at night writing my list down for the nx day of 'To do' trying to motivate myself lol.

Come morning it feels like the life is sucked out of me, staying in bed until midday or later!

Around teatime I get a bit of a spurt on and realising this in last wk that's when I get some housework done.

But this lifestyle is getting to me it isn't me to be so lazy. Like you I've always had a catnap in aft just for half hr or so. Trouble is I'm still having it about 4pm after getting out of bed at 12 o clock!

I had blood test done a few wks ago & it didn't flag up anaemia.

I've heard the saying 'beauty sleep' lol by time I'm done with all this sleeping I'll be able to enter Miss World 😄

Thank you 👍

gorillaqueen profile image

Hi I have been on this med a year in May and agree with BeKind ( welcome back BeKind ) yes it does make you tired and I’m always cold which my cardio nurse said is another side effect. This does seem to improve with time, however your experience with this drug does seem somewhat extreme where you are unable to get out of bed. Speak to your G.P and hopefully they can help. Good luck.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to gorillaqueen

Yes, got the cold hands & feet but can put up with that., they were always cold anyway lol...Will see how I go over this nx month then ask Dr for his opinion. Will bring him/her the data I will have regarding my resting heart rate too. Thank you 👍

Breesha profile image

Tireness can sometimes be a state of mind, get out for a walk, find a volunteer role at your charity shop…or chat line for the lonely , just take your mind of self and I am sure you will pick up and enjoy life . Bisopropol is a life saver try to love it , I have been on 10 mg for 15 years and still work for charity even though I am 80.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Breesha

Maybe Breesha but I can assure you in this instance there is nothing wrong with my mind 🙄 it's my energy levels that are depleted since starting Bisoprolol.not my state of mind!

And, by some of the replies I have received on here I'm not the only one.

I've always been an active person, up until 2/3 wks ago! (Armyified!)

For years, on a Tues, I have gone to a heart & Lung Active life class at my local leisure centre.

I already volunteer at my local church hall for the 'Warm Space' afternoon each Thur.

On Mon afternoon I do yoga.

On a Sunday me & 6 friends go out for our roast dinner. Our catch up time & giving a bit of support to our local businesses.

I'm lucky enough to live by the seaside, our prom is renowned for it's view. So, walking on it is a pleasure beyond words.

It's definitely since I started Bisoprolol in Feb this total tiredness started.

If you didn't know, not all drugs suit everyone.

But, as some people have suggested in their 'positive' replies, the tiredness may wear off. I've already stated above I will give it a chance but if not will check in with Dr.

I need my lifestyle back on track.

So, please don't 'assume' I wasn't enjoying my life or need to take my mind of myself or that I need a chat line for the lonely!

Your reply was judgmental & insulting.

Breesha profile image
Breesha in reply to PteW43

I was trying to be encouraging, I try and defend Bisoprolol, as I had Kidney and Liver failure with the normal meds , the Sartens and the Prils, so it is my only life saver, I have had 10 msg daily for 10:yrs+ but Bisoprolol gets such a beating on this site ,

I am sure you will pick up your normal active lifestyle when your body gets more used the drug , do you take it in the morning or at night.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Breesha

I understand this med has been a real help for you Breesha, thank goodness and for many more I would guess.

But, as I said before not all meds suit all people. It's not that people like me are 'beating up' on Bisoprolol It's just we are having more miserable side effects than you or the nx person taking it.

It is helpful to ask & be told other's may have similar or same side effects. For me the advice & feedback given is a relief.

For instance: To know I'm not being lazy 😊

Be advised to give the med a chance to settle down

To be told the name of other meds I might be able to try are all positive responses.

Thank you I'm sure I'll be fine with or without Bisoprolol. I will go back to Dr in a month or so have a chat & maybe try another med.

Maybe, my Arrhythmia will right itself 🙏 & I won't need anything. Here's hoping 🤞

I take it about 11am.

Take care 👍

We just have to find one with that does the job but less side effects.

richard_jw profile image

After my heart attack, (3 years ago) I was put on Bisoprolol plus other heart meds (clopidogrel, aspirin, rivaroxaban, statins)

I was on 2.5mg of Bisoprolol daily in the morning.

Yes it did make me feel lethargic, like wading through treacle to do anything.

This effect did not go away and I put up with it. After a year, the cardiologist decided that I could come off it because my heart was strong enough. I weaned myself off it (2.5, 1.25 then stop over a period of 3 weeks. The idea of bisoprolol is to slow down your heart rate and reduce your BP so that the heart has less work to do given that it (in my case) was damaged by the heart attack.

I see you are on 1.25mg. As far as I can see, this is to lower your heart rate. After I came off bisoprolol, my heart rate at rest was around 85. So I am on 1.25mg which reduces it to 75ish.

I really don't get and symptoms on this dosage. I think they use bisoprolol because it is selective, i.e. it targets the heart and has little effect on other organs.

I would persevere.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to richard_jw

Thank you Richard for that info. Yes going to persevere as well as jot down my resting heart rate ey morning for nx month. Depending on that & how I feel will be checking in with a Dr. This a.m. Oxygen was 95 pulse 77....👍

Wk67 profile image

I have been on bisoprolol 1.25 twice a day for 10 days and feel awful. Sitting around, feel dizzy if stand, totally breathless if walk. Don’t like it!

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Wk67

Sorry to hear that. I haven't felt dizzy. Perhaps have a word with your Dr re this dizziness. Take care & thank you. 👍 x

Wk67 profile image
Wk67 in reply to PteW43

heart beat less than 30, stopped taking it, doc approved.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Wk67

Glad you contacted your Dr that was very low. Hope you are feeling better now. Thank you for update. 👍

Molben profile image

hi, been on this for quite awhile now. I take 10mg. I used to take this in the morning and got really tired. I did reduce the dose for awhile but had to go back up to 10mg but now I take 5mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening and that has really helped with the tiredness. Feel a lot better, I wonder if this approach might help you.

PteW43 profile image
PteW43 in reply to Molben

I'm on 1.25mg in a morning & a few people have suggested I take it at night too. Molben goodness knows what I'd be like on 10mg. But were needs must!

So summing up all replies I've rec'ed it does seem Bisoprolol main side effect is this overall tiredness.

With time some say this settles down others changed to another med.

I will keep taking for now with a view & info I've rec'ed here on checking with my Dr.

Thank you all very much. 👍x 🤗

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