Posts - Unexplained Faints and Consciousness | HealthUnlocked

Unexplained Faints and Consciousness

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Can you spare 10 minutes of your time?

This is an exciting opportunity for you to share your thoughts and opinions on t...
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There is no such thing as a simple faint.

Simon Cowell recently fainted due to low blood pressure and was rushed to hospit...
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Early Bird Discount for STARS Patient Educational Day!

GET YOUR EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT NOW! 📣 Sign up to STARS Patient Educational Day...
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Syncope is a symptom not a condition

Do you and your GP appreciate that Syncope is a symptom not a condition? Ev...
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Join us in Birmingham, UK for STARS Patient Educational Day!

Join us in Birmingham, UK for STARS Patient Educational Day! If you or someon...
Lucy-Admin profile image

Have you experienced unexplained faints or loss of consciousness?

How many of us are aware that syncopal attacks can often be mistaken for epileps...
TracyAdmin profile image

Did you know low blood pressure can cause health problems just as much as high blood pressure ?

It is important to recognise that low blood pressure (BP) can have no symptoms a...
TracyAdmin profile image

Never assume a slipper is the cause of a fall !!!  

An elderly person who has in fact fainted, will only recall falling and not real...
TracyAdmin profile image

Leftover Easter treats? Why not bring them along to our next Patient Services ‘Online’ Coffee Morning!

Throughout the year we host ‘Online’ Coffee Mornings covering a range of topics,...
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Have you ever read a patient’s story and thought ‘that’s me’?

If YOU have been helped or reassured by an individual’s experience, could you s...
TracyAdmin profile image

There is still chance to register for STARS Patients Day On-Demand now!

STARS Patients Day On-Demand now! Join us from the comfort of your own home – h...
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Celebrating all Women throughout March!

With International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day and Women’s History Month all being...
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Celebrating all Women throughout the month of March!

With International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day and Women’s History Month all being...
TracyAdmin profile image

Has your child been diagnosed with reflex anoxic seizures (RAS)?

Were you advised that although it is frightening to witness, it is not life-thre...
TracyAdmin profile image

Syncope; loss of consciousness, blacking out or fainting is called Syncope

You may dismiss Syncope or self-diagnose as ‘nothing to worry about’ but you sho...
TracyAdmin profile image

What is PoTS?

Do you or someone you know have Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS)? Do you st...
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Today is Pulse Day!

We are really pleased to welcome heart societies from around the globe who are j...
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Did you know?

STARS has a delightfully illustrated booklet Jack has RAS to help you explain t...
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Do you have a cough syncope story to share?

Do you have a cough syncope story to share? If so, have you experienced an episo...
TracyAdmin profile image

STARS Patients Day On-Demand now!

Join us from the comfort of your own home – hear from experts in PoTS, syncope/f...
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STARS Patients Day On-Demand now!

Join us from the comfort of your own home. Hear from experts in PoTS, syncope...
TracyAdmin profile image

Do you have a cough syncope story to share?

Do you have a cough syncope story to share? If so, have you experienced an episo...
TracyAdmin profile image

Have you checked your pulse this #HeartMonth?

Tune into BCB Radio Bradford to hear our Founder and Chief Executive, Trudie Lob...
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STARS Patients Day On-Demand now!

Join us from the comfort of your own home. Hear from experts in PoTS, syncope...
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Patient Day coming to Baltimore, Saturday March 02

Unique opportunity to meet local experts to find out more about your heart healt...
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Arrhythmia Alliance Patient Day coming to Baltimore

Unique opportunity to meet local experts to find out more about your heart healt...
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No such thing as a simple faint!

Did you know fainting is often caused by an underlying potentially fatal heart r...

Have you seen STARS new PoTS Discussion Guide?

We have produced the discussion guide specifically to help you and your Doctor u...
TracyAdmin profile image

Have you visited the STARS (Syncope Trust And Reflex anoxic Seizures) website?

If you are new to the Forum, or would like updated information relating to a new...
TracyAdmin profile image

Do you think your patient story can help others?

Did you know that your words can offer comfort, support, reassurance and hope to...
TracyAdmin profile image
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