Posts - Neuropathy Support | HealthUnlocked

Neuropathy Support

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Complex regional pain syndrome

Been diagnosed with crps. An
mariootsi profile image

electric tug down leg

Hi, I have just had another back surgery, fusing L5 to S1 and pelvis for nerve p...

new to peripheral neuropathy

Hi I’m new to having the awful symptoms of what I think are peripheral neuropath...
Esme2007 profile image
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Amitripalyn Doctor wants me to increase my night time dose to 49 mgs

I get Neuropathy in my arms and lower legs and I feet I also take Ibuprofen my...
Glenkerry40 profile image

Nerve damage

Since my carpal tunnel, cubitunnel and median nerve surgery 2 years ago, I have ...
mariootsi profile image

Moving Forward with Neuropathy

6 years ago my feet began feeling tingly and burning. Now they are completely nu...

Salbutamol for Myasthenia

My EMG results were "Normal" so, despite the fact I have chronic muscle weakness...
AtopicGuy profile image


I find Temgesic keeps my nerve damage at a bearable level that I want to stay ...


I am a bit confused with the medicine I have been prescribed with, I would like ...

EMG and NCT tests query

after over 2 years of waiting to be referred, i finally have an appt with neurop...
Crochet_fan profile image

Any successful treatment with red light therapy for peripheral neuropathy?

Hello, I am wondering whether or not it’s worth pursuing some sort of photobiom...
1jay profile image

copper deficiency and PN...

Hello everyone, I am recent to this forum so please forgive me if this question...
KarkMuzio profile image

RA Neuropathy

I have PN.and RA . I thought do anyone have bowel problems with the neuropathy?...
orange33 profile image

CIPN - webinar for managing

Walter - I have stayed away from any meds that might just mask my neuropathy sym...
Jinnyboo profile image

peripheral neuropathy caused by Folfox chemotherapy

Stage 3 colon cancer Resection 1 1/2 yr ago followed by 12 cycles of Folfox over...
WalterDisney profile image

How to manage neuropathy?

Hi, I recently had my toes amputated on my left foot, well last February, the pa...

Scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for vitamin B6

The new scientific opinion (EFSA) revised in Europe the Tolerable Upper Intake L...
Esperanto profile image

Hi! I just joined. CIDP: Is anyone like me?

My neurologist thinks I might have chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneurop...
AtopicGuy profile image

Neuropathy in feet, stopping Cymbalta - try more natural?

I'd like to get your opinion if you have been on something like Cymbalta (Dulox...
Shomacco profile image

Had surgery

I have finally been listened to by surgeon and had a decompression procedure. It...
Heretolearn65 profile image

hands tremors

I have posted on here before but thought I might just give it another go. I hav...
orange33 profile image

Why won't anyone listen

My god, why won't any of the drs listen to what I'm saying. I can't live with th...
Hidden profile image

Xmas sucked

You know what I'd like for xmas? , the moment my leg is beyond bel...
Hidden profile image

Question on PN progression...

I've had unknown cause PN in my feet( mostly numbness and burning in soles) for ...
Kark profile image


Hello Has anyone found that Clonazepam has been helpful to help sleep disrupted...
1jay profile image

anyone cut norspan patches?

Has anyone cut their norspan patches? I have conflicting information, one site s...

Diabetic neuropathy

Been dealing with diabetic Neuropathy For about 6 years and the doctors Still ha...
KevinTerry62 profile image

PN better in the morning?

Hi, does anyone else think the Neuropathy is better when first getting up in the...
Yarn1985 profile image

foot and leg pain getting too much

Hi, I have recently changed from pregabalin to gabapentin, am on 600 mg gabapent...
salamander160 profile image

Sick of drs gaslighting

I am sick to death of the drs saying, we will get in touch, or hang in there for...
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