Posts - My OCD Community | HealthUnlocked

My OCD Community

9,193 members3,513 posts

All posts for January 2023

follow me on social media

Hey everyone please drop me a follow on my socials as I am using that as my main...

Experiences with getting off of Benzodiazepines?

Hey all, I'm asking for my husband, who is deep in OCD crisis right now. Has any...

Taboo Tuesday!! Stigma and Sham...
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A new article I featured in

Hey everyone just wanted to share this, I just released this article with the BB...

Any advice for counting steps?

I’m constantly counting my steps in my head and of course there’s particular num...
sh0526 profile image

Happy New Year All

Hello, It has been quite some time since I posted in this community, but I was t...
alexandraisobsessed profile image
IOCDF Advocate

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