Posts - My OCD Community | HealthUnlocked

My OCD Community

9,245 members3,526 posts

All posts for March 2020

#WellnessWednesday :) Coronovirus and OCD

I know many of us are dealing with the worries of the Coronavirus on top of OCD....
BethIOCDF profile image

Afraid of Cheating

I have an intense fear of cheating on my boyfriend who I love so much. I can’t e...
Ocdbf062 profile image


I have suffer counti i start everythink with counti..
Jitenderjd profile image
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Stop Competing With Your OCD and Become The Boss

⁣OCD is LOUD! It tries to rattle you and the more you "fight" or try to make sen...

Fear of being Framed

Hi Everyone, It’s been a rough few months since I’ve posted- but essentially m...
Ksmithfield profile image

OCD hijacking recovery and making things worse

My OCD keeps demanding I do things like put a lot of laundry detergent / soap / ...

Is American OCD less treatable?

In America we have great practitioners here, my current therapist is awesome bu...
Tikirob profile image

#WellnessWednesday :)

Hello Everyone! DO NOT let OCD feed you lies. You will end up starving. Stand w...
BethIOCDF profile image

Laundry Detergent

Even though I am not doing well with OCD, I have been able to keep one improveme...
Hidden profile image

Medication Changes

I am going through medication changes right now. Since Zoloft is not working out...
Hidden profile image

OCD and Harry Potter - How they are alike (VIDEO)

⁣There are many scenes in Harry Potter that can show how OCD works without knowi...

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