Posts - Bereavement Care & Share | HealthUnlocked

Bereavement Care & Share

871 members1,460 posts

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When did you last accept an invitation....

That was out of your comfort zone? I ask this as we often keep ourselves to o...
chloe40 profile image

Bereavement and NHS Records

Hi Everyone, I am new to this group but not new to healthunlocked. My younger ...
LadyAbash profile image


I used to plant flowers and a garden with my mom. When she was no longer able to...
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Have you tried alternative medicine.....

To help you through difficult times whilst grieving? Chloe x
chloe40 profile image

To All of you,

Thank You!! Have a wonderful day everyone.
Downinil profile image

How has this week been for our members?

I'm hoping it's been at least a little positive but know so many old and new mem...
chloe40 profile image


hello, I recently joined as my father is entering hospice soon and I wanted to c...
ellie2211 profile image

Happy Mother's Day 💐

I just wanna wish the mothers on here a Happy Mother's Day ❤️. If no one's told...


Hello, I just wanted to say hi to everyone.
Hobbitfeet profile image

still active?

hello- Is this group inactive now? The posts are all 5-7 years old…
MyBeanie profile image

Live Grief

Has anyone here had their family fractured by alienation?
MyBeanie profile image

To all our photographers

Please send in a photos to brighten the dullest of days and moods, we'd love t...
chloe40 profile image

Best is my cat 😸😸😸 but nothings not difficult

Best is my cat or pet nothings perfect though and struggles seem massively sad b...

I just can't delete my friend from my messages now she has passed.....

It would upset me so much, yet I see her face every time I need to send a messag...
chloe40 profile image

Death will never let go of me.

My life has a hole left in it by the death of my wife, and I know it will never ...

Alone in This World

Hi Everyone, My husband has been gone coming up on 1 year now.... I've ne...
Cpearl profile image

My cat

Today I had to make the sad decision to say goodbye to my darling cat.she was ap...
Skyp profile image

What gives you strength to get through each day?

Perhaps the support of a friend or member of the family, or perhaps a group you ...
chloe40 profile image

One year anniversary of my brother’s funeral

I was working on the anniversary of his death and couldn’t talk to anyone about ...
Mumbutterfly profile image

Drinking because im grieving

Hi all. My father passed away Boxing Day last year and I am drinking to forget, ...
Itsforhim123 profile image


Can I mend my broken heart?
Downinil profile image

Which flower or plant brings memories of your loved one, rushing back?

For me it is the beautiful Freesia, especially the blue. Their fragrance and f...
chloe40 profile image

Isn’t this beautiful

Isn’t this beautiful. A friend sent it to me
Caza profile image

first holiday

Tomorrow is the first holiday since my mom passed. I’ve been doing ok…but am jus...
dutchgirl71 profile image

Has your loss changed you as a person?

It may seems obvious but I was thinking about this earlier and yes, for me loss ...
chloe40 profile image

Did you need to chat with your Doctor...

And receive medication to help you through your grief? Many of us have had part...
chloe40 profile image

Now sadness has a scalable weight!

I lost the best half of my identity two weeks ago. She was special and she was b...

Hi Blue_Sea.

Thank you so much for you lovely kind words.Its lovely to see your post and hear...

Just wanted to share something that has made me smile all day.

It's been a very difficult week for me. Today, I popped into a supermarket for ...
chloe40 profile image

Mothers day

Mothers day is a hard day for some. I am a mother so now for me it's good I get ...
Ellamaye profile image
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