Posts - Pancreatic Cancer Action | HealthUnlocked

Pancreatic Cancer Action

1,771 members333 posts

All posts for August 2017

8-9 weeks after Whipple.

It seems the Doctors run into false alarms enough that they don't want to jump t...

1 Week Until Final Clinical Trial Mythbusters Webinar!

Is there medical research going on that is open to you and could be the key to f...

pancreatic cysts

I've had 3 cysts on my pancreas for 7 years, 1 has double in size I had eus and ...
katakraa profile image
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No scan, no blood test.

Hi there. I've recently been having symptoms such as dark urine, paler stools, l...
Misg profile image

Hi I'm new here. Having pancreatic symptoms.

Hi I am new here and have been moved by everyones experience and advice. These p...
Misg profile image

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