Posts - Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support | HealthUnlocked

Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support

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All posts for November 2018

Taking NTM Meds and itraconazole for ABPA

Hi Mr. Gatherton...I cannot find the reply you sent when I was worried about hav...
HannahBenson profile image

Does anyone take an itraconazole dosage of 200mg. am 100 mg. pm for ABPA?

Just been put on that as the reduced itra. from 400 daily to 200 daily just has ...
HannahBenson profile image

Help people please

Can anyone please advise on the best way to get tested for what kind of fungal i...
Cindyfayth profile image
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Fungal bite infection of scalp

In July 23 2016 @5pm a 2 fang roundish black bug sting me in my scalp on top rig...

When taking reduced itraconazole from 400 to 200 should you take?

Should itraconazole capsules taken as 200 mg. a day be taken all at once or spli...
HannahBenson profile image

Lowered dosage Itraconazole as well as Prednisone...doing well but started to get congestion and wheezing again.

Hi... Well, I have been on itraconazole 400 mg. for 3mos. and then reduced to 20...

Advice for severe fungal nail infection

Have had a toenail infection for years and cannot take Terbinafine as doctor adv...
Litterbin profile image

ABPA and Stress

Hi.. Does anyone know how stress can effect ABPA?
HannahBenson profile image

Penicillium sp. and health issues

Great site. I know it's not asperigillius but I'm struggling to find help elsew...
treebee profile image

Itraconazole - physician question

I’ve been on a liquid compound (Betablast 1%/250 MCG)of itraconazole for my maxi...
oaksprings profile image

Taking itraconazole.. a lot of indigestion.

Hi...does anyone have a recommendation for something to help the indigestion and...
HannahBenson profile image

Itraconazole dosage

My Pulmonologist has reduced my itraconazole from 400 a day to 200 a day...He sa...
HannahBenson profile image

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