Posts - Cure Arthritis Community | HealthUnlocked

Cure Arthritis Community

2,799 members597 posts

All posts for November 2016

Methotrexate user

I had pain for many years w/o a diagnosis. Seen a rheumatologist whom ordered bl...

Feeling Great!!!

Hi all. I cannot believe that I am feeling so good. I started out doing the "P...
kiddykat profile image

Another autoimmune disease, gahhhhh

Hi! Recently diagnosed with RA. I can barely get around and the pain is crazy. I...
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Happy Holidays!!!!

I look forward to hearing opinions and comparing notes and life experiences with...
Sfmh2026 profile image

The New Girl

Hi! My name is Bethany. I'm a 37 year old mother of 3. I am a newly diagnosed wi...

Seeking employment ideas that will be easier on my body

I am in pain daily working as a cashier since i am new to being diagnosed my doc...


6089576552 profile image

Having serious symtoms

Okay i have a lot to say but first im 18 years old and i play guitar, basketball...
Lilynette profile image

Plaquenil for 1 month; all very new to me

I don't know what to attribute to RA or if symptoms could be something else. Thi...

Surviving RA

My RA started @ 25 years old right after the birth of my first child, at that ti...

Avulsions fracture with RA

Hi I'm Loralie. I have had RA for 12 years and am currently on Xeljanz. I sustai...
LoralieO profile image

Connie, new here .

Hi, I am Connie and O am new here
Hidden profile image

Injection site reaction

So, I'm on my 5th Enbrel inj. I did injected on Thursday and today my inj site ...
Vjartist profile image

Methotrexate and stomach

Please help what can I do to ease the discomfort in my stomach.
19alvina58 profile image

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